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Magnetic Fields Created by Power Lines
Category: Science > Physics Asked by: mclodio-ga List Price: $5.00 |
26 Nov 2006 10:57 PST
Expires: 26 Dec 2006 10:57 PST Question ID: 785702 |
If a power line is 300 yards separated from a house and there are many trees 50 yards from the power line that block any view of the power line from the house, the question is: can the trees block the magnetic fields created by the power line, so that the house is protected? |
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Re: Magnetic Fields Created by Power Lines
Answered By: hedgie-ga on 11 Dec 2006 19:08 PST |
In the comment sorwin-ga says: " I think this is a serious subject which requires much more research..." In reality, sufficient amount of research was done to demonstrate that there is no health hazard from the power lines (short of stepping on a wire which fell down) The arguments, both empirical and theoretical are reviewed here: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=770816 It may be an interesting topic of research in study of rumormongering and follies of popular press. Hedgie | |
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Re: Magnetic Fields Created by Power Lines
From: markvmd-ga on 26 Nov 2006 13:26 PST |
Protected from what? You are surrounded by magnetic fields. Everything with a motor has one, from your fridge and vacuum to your hair dryer and computer (fans). The Earth has a whomping huge one, thankfully. Without it we would likely not exist. You can develop a magnetic cage around your home if you are concerned. Using steel or other magnetic metal, build a cage around the house or within the walls. Fill the spaces between the steel units with a magnetic metal mesh. The gauss lines will follow the steel. With minor modification, this structure/design can protect you from the electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) of a nuclear blast AND can be set up to be Tempest approved (an obsolete military shielding standard). Look, stop smoking, eat right, exercise, see your doctor and you'll be fine. |
Re: Magnetic Fields Created by Power Lines
From: stanmartin1952-ga on 26 Nov 2006 21:07 PST |
Magnetic fields travel through trees like they do through air. |
Re: Magnetic Fields Created by Power Lines
From: probonopublico-ga on 26 Nov 2006 21:50 PST |
Dear McLodio Whatever sinful cynics like Mark and Stan may say ... If you donned a pointed hat made of tinfoil (like me) you would obtain total, year-long, low-cost protection. In case you wondered, I sleep standing up. |
Re: Magnetic Fields Created by Power Lines
From: probonopublico-ga on 27 Nov 2006 12:06 PST |
I know a leading UK researcher (no not a GAR) who has studied overhead power lines and their effect on natural radiation. His work demonstrates that overhead power lines magnify natural radiation and that this can adversely affect fauna and flora immediately within the vicinity of the power lines. This suggests to me that, being 300 yards away from the power lines, you should be well outside their area of influence, trees or no. |
Re: Magnetic Fields Created by Power Lines
From: skot85-ga on 29 Nov 2006 10:14 PST |
The magnetic field produced by these power lines drops off rapdily with distance. By applying a simplified version of Amperes law, it is possible to calculate that even with a whopping current of 1000 Amps (not likely!) travelling through the cables, the magnetic field at 300m would be 0.00000066 Tesla. For comparisons sake, the magnetic field of the Earth is around 0.00005 Tesla (although it does vary). This is 75 times stronger than that picked up from the cable. In summary: I really wouldn't worry about it :) |
Re: Magnetic Fields Created by Power Lines
From: markvmd-ga on 29 Nov 2006 11:05 PST |
Bryan, is that why power lines are in what appear to be well-cultivated strips of land? I foolishly thought it was employees mowing the right of way. As for tinfoil hats, my "tinfoil" is aluminum. Is that still effective? |
Re: Magnetic Fields Created by Power Lines
From: sorwin-ga on 29 Nov 2006 16:20 PST |
A few years ago the British monthly publication "Electronics and Wireless World" featured prominently an article entitled "The Killing Fields". I recall it being said that a statistical corollation exists (in the UK) between incidences of cancer and proximity to the national grid (power distribution system at tens/hundreds of thousands of volts). The link is only statistical, there is no scientific proof of cause-and-effect. But the suggestion was made that the cancers might be caused, not by electrostatic or magnetic fields, but rather by ozone gas produced by ionization. I think this is a serious subject which requires much more research. The magazine may be found on the Internet and repints of the article might be available. |
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