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Q: Effectiveness of Television Advertising ( Answered,   0 Comments )
Subject: Effectiveness of Television Advertising
Category: Business and Money > Advertising and Marketing
Asked by: thehowell5-ga
List Price: $25.00
Posted: 26 Nov 2006 16:23 PST
Expires: 26 Dec 2006 16:23 PST
Question ID: 785777
Does any research exist that provides insight into the effectiveness
of television advertising?  Direct mail marketing yields 1-6% return. 
Are there any similar figures for television advertising?
Subject: Re: Effectiveness of Television Advertising
Answered By: bobbie7-ga on 26 Nov 2006 19:16 PST
Hello Thehowell5,

According to Kevin Clancy, CEO and co-founder of Copernicus Marketing
Consulting and Research, the average ROI of TV advertising campaigns
is 1-4%.

Copernicus Marketing


ANA / Forrester, March 22, 2006

Seventy-eight percent of marketers feel that TV advertising has become
less effective in the past two years

?A new survey, released today by the Association of National
Advertisers (ANA) and Forrester Research, Inc. (Nasdaq: FORR), found
that 78% of advertisers feel that traditional television advertising
has become less effective in the past two years. The survey also found
that marketers are exploring emerging technologies to help bolster
their television advertising spend.?


Key highlights of the ANA/Forrester survey include:

- ?Almost 70% of advertisers think that DVRs and video-on-demand will
reduce or destroy the effectiveness of traditional 30-second

- ?When DVRs spread to 30 million homes, close to 60% of advertisers
say that they will spend less on conventional TV advertising; of
those, 24% will cut their TV budgets by at least 25%.?

- ?While 55% say that their top executives are closely watching
changes in TV advertising, most advertisers have not experimented with
advertising on DVRs (49%) or video-on-demand (44%).?

-?Eighty percent of advertisers will spend more of their advertising
budget on Web advertising and 68% of advertisers will look to search
engine marketing.?

- ?Advertisers are also looking at alternatives to traditional TV
advertising and will spend more of their advertising budgets on:
branded entertainment within TV programs (61%); TV program
sponsorships (55%); interactive advertising during TV programs (48%);
online video ads (45%); and product placement (44%).?

- ?Ninety-seven percent of advertisers agree that the TV industry will
need new audience metrics - other than reach and frequency - to report
commercial ratings, not just program ratings to effectively measure TV

Source: ANA / Forrester, March 22, 2006


Teleconference Advertisers Face TV Reality
Peter Kim Senior Analyst Forrester Research

Download PowerPoint Presentation here:,5180,-1374,00.ppt


?The DMA published average ROI of direct marketing is 11.49 to 1, and
in which the Ephron/Pollak study showed that the average ROI of TV
advertising is .54 to 1 for packaged goods and .87 to 1 for non
packaged goods ? in other words, these media on average lose money for
the advertiser.?

Nest Century Media

Search terms:
Return on TV advertising
Effectiveness of TV OR television advertising
ROI  TV Advertising
ROI television advertising effectiveness of TV OR television advertising percent

I hope you find this information useful!

Best regards,
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