Hello all researchers and commentors!
Well, the day is finally upon us. I know there have been questions
that asked for your favorite answers, your favorite customers and your
areas of expertise. So I won't ask that again. But there is one
question I have, a little birdy once told me but I forgot:
Why is the sky blue? |
Request for Question Clarification by
30 Nov 2006 08:02 PST
It seems the little "birdie" who told you may have learned it here
first - and I mean that literally. "Why is the sky blue?" was the
first question posted here on April 9, 2002. I'd answer it for you but
someone had obviously beaten me to it so I cannot, in good form, take
your fee.
Clarification of Question by
30 Nov 2006 08:13 PST
Yes, it was the first question and I am symbolically offering it as
the last question. If you don't want to answer that exact question
then you may substitute "GA community" for the word sky.
Request for Question Clarification by
30 Nov 2006 08:50 PST
I am honored if you feel compelled to present your last $2 to me as a
parting favor. As for your question, let me quote Thoreau:
"I have learned this at least by my experiment: that if one advances
confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavours to live the
life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in
common hours."
Like the sky, perhaps were are not really as blue as we seem. It only
appears that way to the naked eye.
If we're on the same page I will gladly post and claim.
Clarification of Question by
30 Nov 2006 10:24 PST
Please, go ahead and answer the question however you wish. It's been
a joy to read your many answers over the years. I'd be honored if you
answered my last question.