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Java method that will split up a string into pieces of equal size
Category: Computers > Programming Asked by: crom654-ga List Price: $75.00 |
30 Nov 2006 07:53 PST
Expires: 30 Dec 2006 07:53 PST Question ID: 787008 |
I need a Java function that will take a string, and, if it is over 32k, split it up into pieces equaling 32k each (except the last one which of course probably would not be 32k exactly). Here is a method I have that splits up a string by line, then appends each to a Lotus Notes rich text field. If you could send me a function that demonstrates splitting of text by size, or edit this function so it does this, that would be great. I'll miss you, Google Answers! public static void appendToRTItem(RichTextItem rTItem, String rTText) throws Exception { int maxSize = 32000; int textLen = rTText.length(); try { if (textLen > maxSize) { int si = 0; int ei = maxSize; while (si < textLen) { if (ei > textLen) ei = textLen; rTItem.appendText(rTText.substring(si, ei)); si = ei; ei = ei + maxSize; } } else { rTItem.appendText(rTText); } } catch (NotesException e) { throw new Exception("RTItem can't append to it!"); } |
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Re: Java method that will split up a string into pieces of equal size
Answered By: leapinglizard-ga on 30 Nov 2006 12:17 PST |
Dear crom654, You will find below the full listing for Splitter.java, in which the class Splitter has a method split() that does what you ask. The default value for the maximum split length is 32*1024 -- this is what programmers generally think of as 32k -- although you can set it 32000 or any other integer value by adjusting the constant defaultMaxLen. You can also set the split length by calling the custom constructor Splitter(int maxLen). This is what I have done in the main() method, using a split length of 5 to run a little interactive test on the command line. A sample transcript follows. $ java Splitter Testing with split length = 5 Please enter a string: hello >>hello<< >hello< (5) $ java Splitter Testing with split length = 5 Please enter a string: hi >>hi<< >hi< (2) $ java Splitter Testing with split length = 5 Please enter a string: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. >>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.<< >The q< (5) >uick < (5) >brown< (5) > fox < (5) >jumps< (5) > over< (5) > the < (5) >lazy < (5) >dog.< (4) I have included copious code comments to aid your understanding. Regards, leapinglizard import java.lang.*; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; public class Splitter { // the given string will be split into substrings no longer than maxLen private int maxLen; // the default constructor uses this value to initialize maxLen private static int defaultMaxLen = 32*1024; // default constructor: make new Splitter with default maxLen value public Splitter() { maxLen = defaultMaxLen; } // custom constructor: make new Splitter with specified maxLen value public Splitter(int maxLen) { this.maxLen = maxLen; } // accessor method: get the current maxLen value public int getMaxLen() { return maxLen; } // mutator method: set maxLen to specified value public void setMaxLen(int maxLen) { this.maxLen = maxLen; } // the real work gets done here: // -- split the given string into substrings no longer than maxLen // -- return as an array of strings public String[] split(String str) { // get the length of the original string int origLen = str.length(); // calculate the number of substrings we'll need to make int splitNum = origLen/maxLen; if (origLen % maxLen > 0) splitNum += 1; // initialize the result array String[] splits = new String[splitNum]; // for each substring... for (int i = 0; i < splitNum; i++) { // the substring starts here int startPos = i * maxLen; // the substring ends here int endPos = startPos + maxLen; // make sure we don't cause an IndexOutOfBoundsException if (endPos > origLen) endPos = origLen; // make the substring String substr = str.substring(startPos, endPos); // stick it in the result array splits[i] = substr; } // return the result array return splits; } public static void main(String[] argv) { int splitLen = 5; BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(System.in)); String str = ""; System.out.println("Testing with split length = "+splitLen); System.out.print("Please enter a string: "); try { str = in.readLine(); } catch (IOException err) { System.out.println("IOException: "+err); System.exit(1); } System.out.println(">>"+str+"<<"); String[] result = new Splitter(splitLen).split(str); for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) System.out.println(" >"+result[i]+"< ("+result[i].length()+")"); } } |
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Re: Java method that will split up a string into pieces of equal size
From: pingraham-ga on 30 Nov 2006 15:05 PST |
Comment re:leapinglizard's solution. This solution naively assumes one character = one byte. This is correct most of the time, yes, but will break for Unicode. I don't know if that's an input you need to deal with, but since particularly nasty Unicode characters may be 4 bytes long (Chinese ideograms and the like), I believe that this is not guaranteed to produce 32K slices. You will want to use the function getBytes() here: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/lang/String.html#getBytes() It'll return a byte array which you can query the length of. |
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