Request for Question Clarification by
21 Oct 2002 09:42 PDT
Hi Susan,
I found ON-line rhyming dictionary for Spanish. Its very easy to use.
You just enter the word and you may specify the number of rhyming
letters as well. Press search and a list of words that rhyme is
I entered the word gato and this is the list I obtained.
acato, aparato, arrebato, asesinato, barato, capato, caricato, curato,
dato, desacato, forato, gato, grato, hato, ingrato, inmediato, innato,
insensato, literato, mandato, mato, mentecato, olfato, pato, percato,
plato, priorato, pugilato, rato, relato, retrato, sato, trato
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