Clarification of Answer by
19 Oct 2002 21:07 PDT
I am sorry if I misunderstood your question. As you will see from the
comment, tlspeigel-ga also understood you to require help using the
search engine, rather than help in optimising your site for the search
I have visited your site, and there are one or two reasons why it is
difficult to find on Google and other search engines.
Firstly, I note it is a comparatively new site. When did you submit it
to the search engines? If you are relying on them to find the site
automatically it can take many months before a site is listed.
Secondly, your very attractive homepage has been created using Flash
and contains no other major content or text. The robots (automatic
programmes) used to find and index web sites by many search engines
cannot recognise or cannot index Flash pages and the page would appear
to them to be blank apart from the "skip intro" and "enter" links, a
link to Add Free Stats, and a broken link to . Looking at
the source code for this page, there is no line of code to redirect
the robots to a robots.txt file or to your first page of information.
Thirdly, on viewing the source code I find the code has been generated
by Microsoft Front Page and does not include meta tag lines for either
"keywords" or for "description" on any page. Your pages cannot be
found on a keyword search because no keywords have been listed for
them, and no description appears beneath the URLs in the search
engine's results because no description has been entered.
You will probably want to discuss entering these lines with your site
developer, Steve Austrin, before re-promoting your site to the search
engines and directories.
Here are some resources for learning about coding in HTML (Hyper Text
Markup Language).
HTML Centre has very useful tutorials and help forums at:
Web Design Course has a good free HTML tutorial at:
An excellent tutorial on Dynamic HTML is at:
My personal favourite resource is:
"The Complete Idiots Guide to Creating an HTML 4 Web Page" by Paul
McFedries, QUE 1998, though you would want to look for a more recent
Code can be written in any wordprocessor, but a good editor which
allows you to preview your work as you go and uses colour coding to
make the job easier is "HTMLPad2002", available for download from
Blumentals software at:
It is free to try, contains a tag generator, and is reasonably priced.
For advice on promoting your site to the search engines and
directories, and automated submission to those directories who permit
it, try:
which also has an article on creating and submitting search engine
friendly web sites.
I am sure that with patience and a little bit of tweaking your useful
site will become more easily found.