Dear clamsisters-ga:
I was very interested in your question and wanted to know more about
it myself.
I assume, by the nature of your question, that youd like to know
where such a machine is available or in business, and not where you
could buy one (unless of course you are independently wealthy). The
equipment you speak of is owned exclusively by the company mentioned
below which owns certain trade secrets that are undoubtedly well
Graphite, the fundamental element needed for the production of
diamonds, can be created artificially under certain conditions with
the application of intense sustained heat. The human body, as with
most objects, will turn to graphite when subjected to such extremes.
Greg Herro, chief executive of the Chicago based company, LifeGem, has
spent three years perfecting the technique, with the help of Vice
President Dean VandenBiesen, of transforming graphite gleaned from
cremated human remains into diamonds. His claim is that he can produce
a Tiffany quality diamond out of a thimble full of graphite in about
16 weeks. Prices for the gems range from $4,000 to $17,000 each
(which incidentally covers the cost of the shipment of the remains).
The family not only gets the finished gem but the remaining ashes as a
If I could I would provide you with contact information for LifeGem
but alas, Google Answers policy prohibits such promotion. You will
likely find that information in the linsk below.
I found this research very interesting and I hope it proves to be
useful to you.
Best regards;
Detroit Free Press
Dearly departed can be made into diamonds
The Age
Humans Are Forever
Diamond Are Forever And you can be too.
Search terms:
- crematory diamonds
- crematory graphite
- Lifegem
- Dean VandenBiesen
- Greg Herro |