You can try the federal and state governments provide such benefits.
Here is information from the Federal government:
You may continue your heath insurance coverage only if you meet the
following conditions:
Your annuity must begin within 30 days or, if you are retiring under
the Minimum Retirement Age (MRA) plus 10 provision of the Federal
Employees Retirement System (FERS), health and life insurance
coverages are suspended until your annuity begins, even if it is
You must be covered for health insurance when you retire.
You must have been continuously covered by the Federal Employees
Health Benefits Program, TRICARE, or the Civilian Health and Medical
Program for Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS):
for five years immediately before retiring;or,
during all of your federal employment since your first opportunity to
continuously for full periods of service beginning with the enrollment
that started December 31, 1964.
Here is the Federal Government's recruiting page: |