To get listed in the Google Search engine, simply go to this webpage
and put your address (URL) and a brief description of your website.
I'll give you a hint, don't put in a list of key words like you did
for this question, put in a real sentence which gives a clear
understanding of your website.
Also placing links to your site inside the GA area will not help get
you found on the Google Search engine, in this respect the two are
separate areas, and one doesn't help the other.
Your next step from there should be to the DMOZ area, to submit your
site. You can find out all about how to do this on this website.
Next go to
and submit your site there as well. This covers the basics.
It may take two to three months for your site to be listed on Google.
Though if you get listed on DMOZ it will take much less time. Google
says four to eight weeks.
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