Hi Googel,
I haven't formally "answered" any of your questions, but did make a
posted comment and apparently you liked my comment because you thanked
me, and applied my suggestion for adding an explanation on your
website. So, with that in mind I'll answer this for you.
1.Are you flossing frequently using only floss,2 hands and nothing
Frequently, two hands, only floss.
2.Is it clear from this web-page how to use this product, and how many
minutes have you (the researcher) spent on it?
Text added is very helpful.
I spent 10 minutes viewing.
3.The Researcher is asked to answer with one word the question of
whether he/she would use it at least seldom/partly?
4.Please give the most cents you would pay for a sixpack.
$8.00 US dollars.
tlspiegel-ga |
Request for Answer Clarification by
20 Oct 2002 23:23 PDT
Sorry,the stars just went out without this remark:
From your pricing i understand you are ready to partner.
Please ask Google about it.
Thank you
Clarification of Answer by
20 Oct 2002 23:38 PDT
Hi google,
Would you please explain what you mean by this clarification request?
What do you mean by saying from my pricing you understand I'm ready to partner?
What do you want me to ask Google about?
Thank you,
Request for Answer Clarification by
20 Oct 2002 23:45 PDT
please ask Google whether i can answer your questions.
thank you
Request for Answer Clarification by
21 Oct 2002 00:08 PDT
I must clarify, though,
that my remark in the rating intended to be
the most flattering to you.
Thank you.
Request for Answer Clarification by
21 Oct 2002 00:10 PDT
And obviously still it is.
Clarification of Answer by
21 Oct 2002 00:12 PDT
Hi Googel,
Thank you for the nice compliment!
Request for Answer Clarification by
26 Oct 2002 10:53 PDT
This is not a question.
Thought you won't mind if you will get updated:Subject: ? to Resrchr
robertskelton-ga re. flosstensioners--5 stars
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: googel-ga
List Price: $2.00 Posted: 26 Oct 2002 09:28 PDT
Expires: 25 Nov 2002 08:28 PST
Question ID: 90174
In re. of the flosstensioners shown in
Please answer the following 2 questions as brief as you wish (5 stars
1. Do you find the directions clear, and how many minutes have you
spent on them?
2. Can you think of someone you know and could be interested to pay
$3.33 for a 6-pack coming with free shipping $ Handling fees, in
certified mail and with 100% + all-expenses money-back guarantee under
the condition that all the 6 pieces (all 6 can be used) are mailed
within 4 working days from reception and by certified mail ?
Subject: tripod vs. geocities
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: googel-ga
List Price: $2.00 Posted: 25 Oct 2002 19:14 PDT
Expires: 24 Nov 2002 18:14 PST
Question ID: 90007
Tripod vs. geocities.
I cannot use anymore my Geocities site at Yahoo for all my needs,
therefore i have set up another site at Tripod at the advice of one of
the researchers who was complaining about the sluggishness of Geo and
prefering Tripod.
How can one, if it's possible at all, change the username and name of
a site at tripod if so wanted?
Subject: Re: tripod vs. geocities
Answered By: robertskelton-ga on 25 Oct 2002 19:35 PDT
Hi there,
Tripod say it isn't possible:
Q. Can my member name be changed?
A. Technically, no. Your member name, once it's chosen, is stored in
several places on our servers. That makes changing the name pretty
much impossible. If you really want a new member name, you'll need to
delete your current member name and sign up with Tripod again. It's
just one more reason to choose your member name with care!
Of course you can signup using a new name, and then upload your site
to the new account.
Search strategy:
I browsed the help files at Tripod
Best wishes,
googel-ga rated this answer: and gave an additional tip of: $2.00
I am happy with the name i have chosen, but i was thinking what if,
and then hit the wall. Too bad, but the help good.
Thank you very much.
googel-ga rated this answer:
Researcher journalist-ga interest, clarity, attitude, with writing
skills proving his taken name here. I personnally hardly can exagerate
the pleasure of collaborating with journalist-ga .
Clarification of Answer by
26 Oct 2002 12:51 PDT
Hi Googel,
For starters, I like your motto at the top of your website:
"One hand nothing to do?
Do the best for you!
That's very good. Nice and succinct.
In reference to your question re: geocities/tripod issues,
robertskelton has answered this perfectly for you. I have nothing to
Question #1 - Yes, I found the directions very clear. Easy to
understand. I spent about 3 minutes on them.
Question #2 - I can't think of anyone right now, but I'm sure you'll
find plenty of customers.
I DO have one suggestion: perhaps a packet of floss sent out with the
first package of floss tensioners as a bonus for ordering. In case
your customers don't have floss and don't feel like going out to buy
some. It would give them a good idea how long the floss tensioners
actually do work. Just a suggestion.
Good Luck to you,
Request for Answer Clarification by
26 Oct 2002 12:56 PDT
I was told that you don't have to respond to my
clarifications if i am not asking anything.
And here is a new update only where i am asking no questions and you
have no obligation answering it.
Thank you for the advice.
Subject: Re: ? to Resrchr robertskelton-ga re. flosstensioners--5
stars grntd
From: googel-ga on 26 Oct 2002 12:36 PDT
Hi sam78-ga ,
Thank you for caring updating me with the competition, however i knew
all this stuff before my "investment" in GA.
I think that if all those sites you mentioned can get room here then i
could advise you that you can get more clarifications through
Thank you for commenting.
Clarification of Answer by
26 Oct 2002 13:44 PDT
Hello googel,
In reply to your 2nd Clarification Request for today, I'm not sure
what you want. I do think you have a good product. Thank you,