Hi camman,
I have found some sources of snowfall statistics for New Jersey for
you. Please be aware that most of these look at snowfall in major
cities, and the climate being the way it is, inches of precipitation
can vary widely across a geographic area.
National Weather Service Forcast Office - Philadelphia
This site lists the current weather information, previous record
weather events, and snowfall data (by season, which would be 1995-96,
1996-97, etc) for several cities in the Philadelphia area. The two
listed for New Jersey are Atlantic City and Trenton.
Daily Climate Data - Central Park, Newark, Bridgeport
This site (also from the National Weather Service) offers daily
snowfall totals by month (so you'll have to sum up each month) for
Newark. However, it only goes back to January of 1997.
National Climatic Data Center - New Jersey Climate Summary
This page will give you total precipitation (NOT just snowfall) by
month, totalled over whatever years you want (back to the 1890s). If
you want to assume that snowfall in December through February is the
only precipitation these numbers are probably safe. However, I'd
think them dicey for March through November.
National Climatic Data Center - New Jersey
Again, this looks at all precipitation. However, this one breaks it
down by research station in addition to showing all data at once (so
you don't have to go through the steps of selecting the month and
Northern New Jersey Monthly Precipitation
This page, from the state climatologist, is very similar to the chart
from the NCDC listed just above.
New Jersey Weather and Climate Network
This is a fancy database that lets you search to the hour historical
data (including snowfall) for many weather stations in New Jersey.
The obnoxious thing is that I can't seem to find a daily count, just
the hourly one.
If these sites satisfy your question, please let me know so that I can
recast my comment as an answer. Let me know if I'm off base, too!
librariankt |