1. Is it clear from this web-page how to use this product, and how
many minutes have you (the researcher) spent on it?
It took a little bit, but I think I understand how the floss holder is
(about 4 minutes)
2. Floss tensioners (with no floss) could be delivered by USPS in a
$0.40 non-certified mail .
21.If a small US company would take the orders and promise the
delivery, then would you place your first order online in the amount
of $3.33 for a six-pack?
Probably not. I would not ordinarily order a small-ticket item like
this on-line.
22.If no, what order would you like to place, in $ and how many f.
tensioners would you expect for the money ?
I would probably not place an order.
23.Would you place your order as soon as you were offered the product
I would probably not place an order.
31. If a big US company would take the orders and promise the
delivery, but the product would belong to and come from a small US
company then would you place your first order online in the amount of
$3.45 for a six-pack?
Probably not.
32. If no, what order would you like to place, in $ and how many f.
tensioners would you expect for the money ?
33. Would you place your order as soon as you were offered the product
I would probably not place an order.
4. Would you like to buy, and what is the highest price you would pay
for a sixpack in a grocery store (not online) ?
I might buy it if it were in the checkout lane at the grocery store,
especially if I had seen it previously advertised somewhere. I would
probably not pay more than $2.99 for a sixpack.
5. If a big US company would take the orders and promise the delivery,
but the product would belong to and come from a not American company
--outside the US-- in certified mail then would you place your first
order online in the amount of $3.45 for a six-pack? What is the
longest delivery time you would accept?
I would probably not place an order for a small-ticket item like this
on-line. However, in general terms of ordering anything on-line, I
would not care where the product came from if a) it was something I
wanted, b) it was of decent quality, c) it was reasonably priced, and
d) it was delivered within a week.
42. If no, what order would you like to place, in $ and how many f.
tensioners would you expect for the money ?
I would probably not place an order.
43. Would you place your order as soon as you were offered the product
I would probably not place an order.
My biggest block to purchasing this item is that it "looks" too
complicated, whether or not it really is too complicated. I would be
more inclined to purchase a pre-strung one-time use flosser, if it
came in a bag of one or two dozen (including a small, flat case) that
cost no more than $4.99, and I didn't have to expend any time or
effort setting it up, but could just pop it right into my purse.
In my opinion, the checkout aisle would be the optimum place to market
this item. People frequently have to stand around and wait for
checkout, and something interesting to look at and think about would
be welcome. There is a possibility they would then think, "You know, I
could use something like this, where I could just pop 2 or 3 into my
wallet/purse, and have them handy if I'm out and about somewhere and I
get something stuck in my teeth."
I would probably not purchase something like this if I had to assemble
it myself.
I hope that my responses will assist you in bringing your product to
Best wishes and good luck! |