Hello collete,
I was able to find a few websites with the information you are
seeking. I will start with Podiatrists. According to the American
Podiatric Medical Association ( APMA ), there are 14,000 practicing
doctors of podiatry. This statistic is listed in the first paragraph
on the page below.
APMA Website - Podiatry Information
I also found more for you to view at your leisure. I am assuming some
sort of letter was addressed to podiatrists that gave them this
statistic, as these pages are almost mirror reprints of each other. :
Spectrum Unlimited, Inc. Medical Journals
More detailed number ( 13,320 doctors ) at Sololab ( Foot Lab )
The second part of your question deals with hair restoration doctors.
I found a quote on a site that specifies a number ( 2000 ). It is on a
number of medical sites, so I didn't question the validity :
2000 Hair restoration Physians reference
Hair Translplant FAQ (almost near the bottom of the page)
I hope this is what you were searching for. If you need more
clarification - please ask before rating the answer and I would love
to assist you further.
How I found the answer (search terms used on Google):
hair restoration surgeons "there are almost" "in the united states" :
podiatrists "there are almost" "in the united states" :
Thanks for the great question,
SgtCory |