Hi Lindseyann,
The International Research Institute (IDI) maintains an international
climate data library, where you can access this type of information
for any location. The main webpage for the Institute is here:
http://ingrid.ldeo.columbia.edu/ and if you scroll to the bottom of
the page, there is a link to a very good tutorial on using the system.
San Luis Potosis World Meterological Organization (WMO) station call
sign is MMSP, and its identifier is 765390. Here is its main daily
data page: http://ingrid.ldeo.columbia.edu/SOURCES/.NOAA/.NCDC/.DAILY/.STATION.cuf/IWMO+765390+VALUE/
Also, heres a link to a page of daily precipitation data for 1994-99:
There doesnt appear to be any data specifically on evaporation, but
you can extrapolate evaporation rates from other information provided.
And then, here is a link to Mexicos national meterological site,
which has historical weather data for the country:
Ive had to translate the page as my Spanish is somewhat limited, but
if yours is better, you might prefer to use the original language
site, here: http://smn.cna.gob.mx/SMN.html with this link to climatic
data: http://smn.cna.gob.mx/productos/map-lluv/hmproduc.html
If you would like to order historical weather data on CD from the
National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), there is information here on
whats available: http://www.lib.ucdavis.edu/govdoc/CDROM/climate.html
As for the NCDC, you might also find pertinent information on their
site, though be aware they do charge a small fee for downloading some
reports. Their main site is here:
http://lwf.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/ncdc.html and specific climatic data is
available here: http://lwf.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/climatedata.html
You will have to do a little digging here, but the amount and types of
data are voluminous and cover the globe.
Also, the Washington Post maintains some limited historical weather
data for a number of locations, including yours, here:
And if youre interested in hard copy, there is a list of publications
at the U. of West Florida, here:
The search terms I used were:
historical climatic data mexico evaporation OR precipitation -new
and the Google results are here:
I hope youll find this information useful. Please let me know if
anythings not clear. Best of luck in finding the data you need.
Byrd |