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Q: free shipping$H +$3.33 buy 6-pack of floss tensioner,online?---5* ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   0 Comments )
Subject: free shipping$H +$3.33 buy 6-pack of floss tensioner,online?---5*
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: googel-ga
List Price: $5.00
Posted: 23 Oct 2002 10:58 PDT
Expires: 22 Nov 2002 09:58 PST
Question ID: 88677
free shipping$H +$3.33 buy 6-pack of floss tensioner,online?---
--( 5 stars guaranteed) 

‘  One hand nothing’t do?
   Do the best for you: floss !              ’

This is the 64th version of my question (re. patented new floss
holder), and it is reposted due to changes. The floss holder's page:

Only researchers who have never answered my, googel-ga’s  questions
are invited to provide answer here (comments would be welcome).
From others any answer is good, 5 stars. Thank you.
Thank you.

Added to the web page is the is a picture showing a floss tensioner
layed on a credit card and the following:
‘One hand nothing’t do?
 Do the best for you: floss !’

This floss tensioner is good for about 250 flossing of all the teeth
each time( 250 use).

Please answer the questions briefly, while your  comments following
the  brief answer would be welcome.
1. Is it clear from this web-page how to use this product, and how
many minutes have you (the researcher) spent on it?

2. Floss tensioners (with no floss) could be delivered by USPS in a
$0.40 non-certified mail which would be included in the price .
21.If a small US company would take the orders and promise the 
delivery, then   would you place your first order online in the amount
of $3.33 for a six-pack (free shipping and handling, not certified)?

22.If ‘no’, what order would you like to place, in $ and how many f.
tensioners would you expect for the money ?
23.Would you place your order as soon as you were offered the product


31. If a big US company would take the orders and promise the 
delivery, but the product would belong to and come from a small US
company then   would you place your first order online in the amount
of $3.45 for a six-pack (free shipping and handling, not certified)?

32. If ‘no’, what order would you like to place, in $ and how many f.
tensioners would you expect for the money ?
33. Would you place your order as soon as you were offered the product

4. Would you like to buy, and what is the highest price you would pay
for a sixpack in a grocery store (not online) ?

5. If a big US company would take the orders and promise the 
delivery, but the product would belong to and come from a not 
American company --outside the US-- in certified mail then   would you
place your first order online in the amount of $3.45 for a six-pack
(free shipping and handling, certified)?
The 6-pack will come in a transparent envelope and those who will
succeed placing an order the first 10 days of on-line offering will
get 80% (perhaps more) money back guarantee --through an e-bank or
something if unsatisfied and return the whole shipment (used) by
certified mail to a US address and within 3 working days from
reception , and 100% + all-expenses refund if envelope unopened and

What is the longest delivery time you would accept?
42. If ‘no’, what order would you like to place, in $ and how many f.
tensioners would you expect for the money ?
43. Would you place your order as soon as you were offered the product
Thank you.

5 stars guaranteed  


Subject: Re: $3.33 + $0.00 buy 6-pack of floss tensioner,
online???---5 stars guaranteed-
From: rnh-ga on 22 Oct 2002 18:49 PDT 	

Please stop posting your marketing survey and bribing researchers with
five stars to answer it.	

Subject: Re: $3.33 + $0.00 buy 6-pack of floss tensioner,
online???---5 stars guaranteed-
From: googel-ga on 22 Oct 2002 20:40 PDT 	

1. 5 stars is not a bribe but a hint that in this case the only thing
what is needed is the researchers truth-worthiness  and that it is
assumed a-priori by me.
You can check all my comments. 
2. I would appreciate if you could clarify in name of who are you
warning me re.
I think that what you call "marketing" is first of all an honest
warning: 'Editors,please check it out, maybe  rnh-ga is right re. this
question here?!! '	

Subject: Re: free shipping$H +$3.33 buy 6-pack of floss tensioner,online?---5*
Answered By: tehuti-ga on 23 Oct 2002 11:35 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hello googel-ga,

1.  I spent 3 minutes looking at the web page.  I think I understand
the 5-step way, but the 7-step way floored me. I coudn't really work
out what to wind where. I'm one of these people who finds pictures and
diagrams difficult to understand, and prefer to have a verbal
description provided as well.

2. and 3. My answers to these sets of questions are identical for the
following reason:

If I decided that I wanted to buy this product, the fact it was being
sold by a small company or a large company would make no difference to
me placing an order nor to the size of order that I would place.  I
think that I would be more amenable to trying the product if I was
offered the chance to send off for a free sample before placing an
order.  :)

If I did decide to place an order, I would expect to have the
opportunity to place an order for floss at the same time.

I would probably order a single pack to begin with, but after that, if
I decided to order the product in future, I would want to be able to
order it in bulk (say 20- or 50-pack plus required amount of floss) at
an appropriate discount (say 20-30%).

I would not place an order immediately.  I would search the Internet
and also local shops to see if a comparable product was being offered
for a better price or with better features.  The 0.15 difference in
the price between buying it direct from the small company or through a
large company would not influence me all that much.

4. The answer to this question depends on whether the product would
also be available online.  If it was much more expensive in a store
than online, then I would probably buy online.  In a store, I would
also appreciate having the chance of obtaining a free sample (perhaps
via a coupon?), or at least being able to buy a single trial unit.

5.  The location of the manufacturer is of no relevance to me,
provided that the price is right.  However, in all events I would
expect a 100% money-back guarantee (including refund of all postage)
if the product proved to be unsatisfactory, regardless of whether I
had or had not used it, and regardless of when I had bought it. OK, I
would not expect to be allowed to return more than one used item,
except in the circumstance that a subsequently used one had proved

I would expect any online order to be processed within 24 hours, and
to receive it a couple of days after that.
googel-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars
Got many things clarified well.
thank you

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