Hi there!
Typing a phone number into Google to locate an address only works if
the person you're looking for is listed in an online directory at all.
You may very well know that Jane Doe lives at 1234 Main St., but if
Jane's number is unlisted or she has specifically requested not to be
listed in an online directory, putting her number in won't help.
(Searching on my own phone number, for instance, yields nothing,
precisely as it should. My home phone number is unlisted, and my
phone company is not permitted to sell that information to online
directory services.)
Even if the person you're searching for maintains a listed telephone
number, the information associated with it might not appear online -
if that person's telephone company does not sell listings to online
directories, for example.
Other reasons a person may not show up in a search:
-- recently moved
-- directory not updated (update cycles run from 30 days to 12
-- Google hasn't crawled the directory (Google updates every 4 weeks
or so)
While Google is a super tool for finding just about anything, perhaps
what you *really* need are people finding tools. People finding tools
are more geared toward the specific searches you have in mind, while
search engines like Google index everything. The information you want
may be buried in other results returned. People finding tools index
only online directories.
There is a listing of the most popular people finding tools and
directories here:
Online Directories
To find an address by using a phone number, use a Reverse Lookup
Reverse Directories - Includes InfoSpace, AnyWho, Bigfoot and more
To find someone with only an address:
Reverse Address
I hope this information is helpful for you! If you think I've been
unclear, please don't hesitate to ask for clarification, and I'll be
glad to assist you.
Search terms included : [ "online directories" ] and [ "reverse
lookup" ] |