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Q: Biology ( Answered 2 out of 5 stars,   0 Comments )
Subject: Biology
Category: Science > Biology
Asked by: mashhour-ga
List Price: $20.00
Posted: 24 Oct 2002 14:26 PDT
Expires: 23 Nov 2002 13:26 PST
Question ID: 89373
Please help me to answer the following questions. 
Questions 1 through 22, for each statement, mark T for true.  
Questions 1 and 2 are examples :For question 1. a,b,d are True. For question 2. 
C is true. 
1. Insulin 
a. is a polypeptide 
b. for human use is extracted from pig pancreas 
c. is administered orally 
d. acts by enhancing cellular uptake of glucose 
e. acts by enhancing cellular utilization of glucose  
2. Blood glucose levels in a diabetic patient may be lowered by 
a. cigarette smoking 
b. subcutaneous injection of adrenaline 
c. administration of insulin 
d. administration of glucagon 
e. administration of codeine  
3. Relaxation of the uterus may be induced by 
a. progesterone 
b. salbutamol 
c. ethanol 
d. prostaglandin E2 
e. oxytocin  
4. With regard to oral contraceptives, progestogens 
a. inhibit luteinising hormone (LH) release 
b. inhibit follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) release 
c. cause increased risk of blood clotting 
d. cause thickening of cervical mucus 
e. inhibit ovulation  
5. In combined oral contraceptives, oestrogens 
a. inhibit luteinising hormone (LH) release 
b. inhibit follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) release 
c. cause increased risk of blood clotting 
d. cause thickening of cervical mucus 
e. inhibit ovulation  
6. Which of the following are recognized side effects of oral 
a. nausea 
b. breast tenderness 
c. weight loss 
d. increased incidence of venous thrombosis 
e. hypertension  
7. Which of the following drugs may be used to stimulate ovulation in 
infertile women? 
a. ethinyl oestradiol 
b. clomiphene 
c. bromocriptine 
d. follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) 
e. luteinising hormone (LH)  
8. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) 
a. is released in response to cold 
b. is released in response to lowered blood thyroxin levels 
c. displaces circulating thyroxin from protein-binding sites 
d. causes release of calcitonin 
e. increases growth and vascularity of the thyroid gland  
9. Thyroxin toxicity includes 
a. intolerance to heat 
b. diarrhea 
c. precipitation of angina pectoris 
d. tremor 
e. anorexia  
10. Thiouracils decrease thyroid function by inhibiting 
a. release of thyroxin from the gland 
b. the linking of di-iodotyrosine molecules 
c. iodination of tyrosine 
d. iodine trapping in the thyroid gland 
e. iodine absorption from the gut  
11. Glucocorticoids are clinically useful in the treatment of 
a. peptic ulcer 
b. ulcerative colitis 
c. acute leukemia in children 
d. psychoses 
e. Cushing’s disease  
12. Synthetic steroids like prednisolone 
a. are useful analgesics in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis 
b. are anti-inflammatory 
c. *cause diuresis 
d. *cause dissolution of lymphoid tissue 
e. are useful in the treatment of severe chronic asthma  
13. Long term prednisolone therapy in humans causes 
a. suppression of antibody synthesis 
b. hypertension  
c. lowered resistance to infection 
d. a reduced rate of wound healing 
e. increased secretion of ACTH  
14. The drug carbimazole diminishes thyroid function by 
a. preventing tri-iodothyroxine (T3) and thyroxin (T4) release 
b. inhibiting formation of iodinated tyrosyl residues 
c. preventing iodine uptake by the gland 
d. producing thyroid atrophy 
e. inhibiting organic combination of iodine  
15. Blood clotting 
a. in vitro is prevented by coumarin anticoagulants 
b. is severely impaired in vitamin E deficiency 
c. is prevented both in vivo and in vitro by heparin 
d. is prevented by heparin principally by inhibition of the action of 
e. is impaired by aspirin  
16. Warfarin 
a. is added to blood, which is to be used for transfusion to prevent 
b. acts by reducing the production of thromboplastins 
c. is found naturally in mast cells 
d. has its action antagonized by protamine 
e. is destroyed in the GIT  
Anti-infective agents 
17. Sulfonamide antibacterial drugs 
a. destroy the bacterial cell wall 
b. are bacteriostatic 
c. combine with pteridine 
d. block utilization of para-amino-benzoic acid (PABA) 
e. prevent synthesis of folic acid  
18. Streptomycin 
a. inhibits protein synthesis 
b. inhibits RNA synthesis 
c. is an aminoglycoside antibiotic 
d. has neuromuscular blocking activity 
e. causes discoloration of the teeth if given during tooth 
19. Which of the following is/are correct about action of penicillin? 
a. production of osmotically sensitive bacteria 
b. arrest of protein synthesis 
c. inhibition of folic acid metabolism 
d. inhibition of bacterial cell wall synthesis 
e. destruction of mature bacterial cell wall  
20. Chloramphenicol 
a. only inhibits 70s and not 80s ribosomes 
b. binds to bacterial single-stranded DNA 
c. inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis 
d. cannot pass through mitochondrial membranes 
e. cannot pass through plasma membranes  
21. Trimethoprim acts 
a. to reduce the supply of 1-carbon units 
b. by combining with 80s ribosomes 
c. is an antimetabolite 
d. by blocking utilization of para-amino-benzoic acid (PABA) 
e. by inhibiting bacterial dihydrofolate reductase more than animal 
dihydrofolate reductase 
22.  Which of the following is/are correct about antiviral agents? 
a. relapse is common with continued treatment with ganciclovir for 
cytomegalovirus retinitis infected AIDS patients 
b. ribavirin may be given by aerosol for respiratory syncytial virus 
c. amantadine may be given orally in conjunction with influenza 
d. acyclovir may be given orally for initial genital herpes infections 
e. idoxuridine may be applied topically for type 2 genital herpes 
Subject: Re: Biology
Answered By: tehuti-ga on 24 Oct 2002 19:02 PDT
Rated:2 out of 5 stars
Hello mashhour,

I have left in only the answers which are true for each statement. 
The answers are given first, and the documentation for all the
questions is given below the last answer.

3. Relaxation of the uterus may be induced by  
a. progesterone  - T
b. salbutamol  - T
c. ethanol  - T
4. With regard to oral contraceptives, progestogens  
d. cause thickening of cervical mucus  - T

To some extent the following are also true, but certainly in
progestogen-only pills the main action is at a local level, and d is
the main mechanism of action of those listed here.
a.	inhibit luteinising hormone (LH) release  
b.	inhibit follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) release  
In both these cases progestogens suppress mid-cycle peaks, but their
effects on basal levels are more varied.
Also  c is partially true, because progestogen-only pills suppress
ovulation in about 40% of cycles, compared to the 98% suppression
obtained with the combined pill.

5. In combined oral contraceptives, oestrogens  
a. inhibit luteinising hormone (LH) release - T 
b. inhibit follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) release  - T
c. cause increased risk of blood clotting  - T
e. inhibit ovulation   - T

6. Which of the following are recognized side effects of oral  
 a. nausea  - T
 b. breast tenderness  - T
 d. increased incidence of venous thrombosis  - T
 e. hypertension   - T
7. Which of the following drugs may be used to stimulate ovulation in
infertile women?  
 b. clomiphene  - T
 c. bromocriptine  - T
 d. follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)  - T
(e. luteinising hormone (LH)  - this may be given in combination with

8. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)  
b. is released in response to lowered blood thyroxin levels  - T
e. increases growth and vascularity of the thyroid gland  - T

a.  is also true if indirect effects are counted, because exposure to
cold stimulates the release of TRH, which in turn stimulates the
release of TSH

9. Thyroxin toxicity includes  
 a. intolerance to heat  - T
b. diarrhea  - T
c. precipitation of angina pectoris  - T
d. tremor  - T

10. Thiouracils decrease thyroid function by inhibiting  
 b. the linking of di-iodotyrosine molecules  - T
 c. iodination of tyrosine  - T
 e. iodine absorption from the gut   - T
11. Glucocorticoids are clinically useful in the treatment of  
  b. ulcerative colitis  - T
  c. acute leukemia in children  - T

12. Synthetic steroids like prednisolone  
b. are anti-inflammatory  - T
c. *cause diuresis  - T
d. *cause dissolution of lymphoid tissue  - T
e. are useful in the treatment of severe chronic asthma  - T
(prednisolone is used in rheumatoid arthritis for its
anti-inflammatory effect, not for analgesia as such)

13. Long term prednisolone therapy in humans causes  
 a. suppression of antibody synthesis  - T
 b. hypertension   - T
 c. lowered resistance to infection  - T
 d. a reduced rate of wound healing  - T

14. The drug carbimazole diminishes thyroid function by  
  b. inhibiting formation of iodinated tyrosyl residues  - T
15. Blood clotting  
 c. is prevented both in vivo and in vitro by heparin - T  
  e. is impaired by aspirin  - T

(Heparin binds to antithrombin III, inducing an allosteric change that
greatly enhances its inhibition of thrombin synthesis rather than
inhibiting its action)

 16. Warfarin  
 b. acts by reducing the production of thromboplastins  - T

(protamine is an antidote for heparin not warfarin; warfarin is taken
orally therefore is not destroyed in the GIT)
17. Sulfonamide antibacterial drugs  
b. are bacteriostatic  - T
d. block utilization of para-amino-benzoic acid (PABA)  - T
e. prevent synthesis of folic acid  - T
18. Streptomycin  
 a. inhibits protein synthesis  - T
 c. is an aminoglycoside antibiotic  - T
 d. has neuromuscular blocking activity  - T
19. Which of the following is/are correct about action of penicillin?
a. production of osmotically sensitive bacteria  - T
d. inhibition of bacterial cell wall synthesis  - T
20. Chloramphenicol  
  a. only inhibits 70s and not 80s ribosomes  - T
21. Trimethoprim acts  
  a. to reduce the supply of 1-carbon units  - T
  c. is an antimetabolite  - T
22.  Which of the following is/are correct about antiviral agents?  
  a. relapse is common with continued treatment with ganciclovir for
cytomegalovirus retinitis infected AIDS patients  - T
  b. ribavirin may be given by aerosol for respiratory syncytial virus
infections  - T
  d. acyclovir may be given orally for initial genital herpes
infections  - T

(amantidine is given prophylactically following exposure, while
vaccination anticipates exposure)

References to support answers

 (Drugs acting on the uterus, Trainees Forum: Preparing for the
Primary FRCA)
(University of Auckland, Systematic Pharmacology Course)

Q4 and Q5
(Progestin-Only Oral Contraceptives: An Update. The Contraceptive
Report, Vol 10, Sept 1999) (Organon Pill
  Q6 (Merck

  Q7 (Advanced Fertility
Center of Chicago)
 Q8 (Malaspina University
College, BC, Canada)

WITH CHRONIC STABLE ANGINA, JACC Vol. 33, No. 7, June 1999:2092-197)

Q10 (What are
anti-thyroid drugs?) (Thyroid Hormones and
Disorders. Textbook in
Medical Physiology And Pathophysiology)  
  Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 (Medline
Plus, glucocorticosteroid effects) (drug
information for a brand of prednisolone) (Cochrane
Review on steroids and asthma) (drug information for
a brand of prednisolone)
“The induction of apoptosis in lymphoid tissue by glucocorticoids has
been most intensively studied.” (Programmed
Cell Death (Apoptosis) and Cancer Chemotherapy)
“Coumarin (oral warfarin) reduces the production of clotting factors
by the liver either by inhibiting vitamin K or interfering with its
resynthesis, and thus reduces the tendency of the blood to clot too
readily.” (Blood disorders)
Vitamin K is important in clotting
 “A limited number of studies that directly examined the relationship
between heparin concentration and the ACT or aPTT used different
heparinization techniques (in vivo or in vitro)”  (Correlation of Activated
Clotting Time and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time to Plasma
Heparin Concentration)
(Coagulation and drugs) (Warfarin)

Q17 Q18  Q19 Q20 Q21
(Synthetic Antibacterial Drugs)
(Antimicrobial Therapy)
“Certain antibiotics such as neomycin, streptomycin and kanamycin have
a non-depolarising blocking action which may accentuate neuromuscular

Q22 (Studies of the
Ocular Complications of AIDS (SOCA)--Monoclonal Antibody CMV Retinitis
Trial (MACRT))
(Bronchiolitis, ribavirin) (Putting Prevention into
Practice. Adult Immunization--Influenza Vaccine)
“Both episodic and continuous oral acyclovir reduce viral shedding,
lesion healing time, and local and systemic symptoms during
symptomatic primary first-episode and recurrent genital HSV
(Screening for Genital Herpes Simplex)
“Topical idoxuridine: The concentration of the commercial preparation
available is too low to produce any clinical significant effect. (Genital Herpes)
mashhour-ga rated this answer:2 out of 5 stars

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