GA has received numerous requests for organizational charts for
several different companies lately.
The difficulty in answering these types of requests is that, while the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires companies to file an
Annual Report (10-k) which shows the company's financial statements,
as well as a list of officers and directors of the company, it is NOT
required that they file an organizational chart for their company.
In fact, many companies regard their chart as "proprietary"
information and guard it jealously from competitors, because org
charts -- with division names labeled -- can frequently give clues to
a company's strategic direction. For instance, while "Giggle" search
engine company is secretly preparing a new product "Giggle Solutions"
for public rollout, their org chart might show a division labeled
"Giggle Solutions", and they would not want their competitor "Yippee!"
search engine company to know that they are working on such a product,
lest "Yippee!" decide to create their own competing product and
release it even sooner.
While a Google Answers Researcher or Commenter might have an "in" with
someone at Cingular who could provide details of their company's org
chart, acquiring that information and publishing it here would almost
certainly be a violation of one of the laws regulating publication of
proprietary (private, secret, and protected) corporate information. It
would also be reasonable cause for Cingular to terminate the discloser
of such information, since they probably have company policies against
doing so.
So, unfortunately, the best you are likely to be able to get is a list
of Cingular's Officers and Directors, and contact information for
them, as was provided to you by justaskscott in your original question
( https://answers.google.com/answers/main?cmd=threadview&id=89271 ).
To better prepare for your interview, I strongly recommend exploring
their company website ( http://www.cingular.com ) and reading each
page of it *thoroughly*, if you haven't already done this.
In addition, you can search for past news articles relating to
Cingluar to get a better understanding of where the company has been
and where they are going.
I hope this information has been of assistance to you!
aceresearcher |