Hi ianharris:
What a fascinating question. I had no idea these micronations existed.
I looked through many micronation pages for you and picked the two
that were both comprehensive and afforded the opportunity to
investigate the entries further. (Many of the other listings seemed to
be "jokes" themselves - full of ridiculous entries - so I bypassed
The best list I was able to find is at:
The Micronations Page
It contains a long list of know micronations and, better yet, a
categorization of which ones are "jokes" or imagined micronations.
"{1} Obviously a joke; of temporary nature; 1 or 2 people involved;
may concede "imaginary" status.
{2} Serious joke; may seek serious Micronation status, but hasn't
achieved it yet.
{3} Long-term, serious multiperson Micronation with publications, but
purely local publicity.
{4} Long-term, serious multiperson Micronation with widespread
international publicity.
{5} Long-term serious Micronation recognized or legally challenged by
a 'real' country."
I read through their list and picked the following ones out that best
fit your criteria:
* Akhzivland
* Araucania and Patagonia, Kingdom of
* Crowsnest Pass, Principality of
* Elgaland and Vargaland, Kingdoms of
* Houtbaai/Hout Bay
* Hutt River Province Principality
* Madawaska, Republic of
* Minerva, Republic of
* Morac-Songhrati-Meads, Republic of
* Porto Claro, Kingdom of
* Riesenguthland-Ellermark, Kingdom of
* Seborga, Principality of
* Sealand, Principality of
* Tetiti, Maori Kingdom of
Another interesting list is at:
Netscape Search > Society > Issues > Secession
The micronations to add to the list include:
* Arcadian Commonwealth
* Independent Pricipality of Saint Valentine
* Kingdom of Talossa
* Principality of Pontecorvo
* The Principality of Southumberland
* Republic of Baja Arizona
* Republic of Morac-Songhrati-Meads
* Sovereign Principality of Corvinia
Together these two lists should give you plenty of material for your
If you need any clarification of the information I have provided,
please ask using the Clarification feature and provide me with
additional details as to what you are looking for. As well, please
allow me to provide you with clarification(s) *before* you rate this
Search Strategy:
micronations list
"Principality of Southumberland" sealand
://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&safe=off&q=%22Principality+of+Southumberland%22+sealand |