Thank you for your question about the history of the architecture of
The White House. As a part-time history buff, it was very enjoyable
researching the growth and changes at one of the most famous addresses
in the world, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
The White House, home of the President of the United States, has a
long, colorful history. Construction began with the cornerstone being
laid in 1792. The original plans, by Irish architect James Hoban,
called for a two story, 36 room house. There have been several
renovations and additions to the White House since construction was
completed in 1800. Each President has added his own touch to the
White House. Considering it is his home for at least 4 years, he has
that right :) The major additions:
1824-South Portico was built
1829-1830 North Portico was added
1857-1890 Greenhouses and Conservatories were added
1909 West Wing office section added
1927 New roof added the third floor was renovated
1942 East Wing office building was built (with a bomb shelter)
1945 West Wing was expanded
The major renovations:
1814-187 After the British burned The White House, the interior was
destroyed, yet the exterior remained intact. The interior is
1848 Gas lights are installed
1853 Central heating is installed
1873 President and Mrs. Grant implement elaborate renovations
1877 First telephone is installed. The phone number is "1"
1882 Interior renovation by President Arthur
1902 The first "major" renovation takes begins
1929 A fire in the attic of Executive Wing creates a need for
1948-1952 The Truman Renovations. Major restructure of support,
roofing, plumbing, and wiring. Modern air conditioning is added as
After all the renovations and additions, today, the White House
features 132 rooms, 32 bathrooms, 28 working fireplaces, 13 bedrooms,
and 67,000 square feet of living space.
Thank you very much for the history lesson about one of the most
important residences in the United States. If you need any additional
clarification, please let me know!
Search strategy:
how many rooms in the original plans for the white house
square feet of the white house
renovations white house
additions white house
Echoes from the White House
The White House Historical Association |