I want to know e-mail, ListServ, web bulletin boards, and/or
telephone/address contacts of non-county Government (school boards,
municipalities, etc.) AND Businesses or Corporations which might be
interested in participating in or learning about a "Competition of
Excellence" in an organization which promotes more effective
communication between counties and citizens. (NACo/NACIO). This
organization promotes public understanding of the functions of county
government, promotes better understanding between the public and its
elected officials, and strives to improve the professional
capabilities of its members. Entry categories include 1)annual
reports 2)brochures 3)internal publications (published regularly)
4)writing 5)graphic design 6)photography 7)audio visual productions
8)special projects i.e. ceremonies, community events, citizen
education projects, public participation projects, media relations.
Each category has several subcategories. Assumptions: We already know
about all the links on www.Naco.org and affiliate www.nacio.org and
their listservs. We are looking for listServs and web bulletin boards
and other concise tools to inform the other(not county or state
association of counties) types(non-county government and business or
corporations) which have Public Information Officers.
I would also like to know how you found the information. |