The theme music is available in beautiful stereo at:, which also says that the theme
was also used in Clint Eastwood's Pale Rider, allows you to download a
beautiful version of the theme. While the soundtrack of Pale Rider is
not available on CD, you might rent the remastered DVD movie,
available from your favorite movie dealer. I have not been able to
verify that the Hawkshaw's work is on the soundtrack, however.
Also, this website from the UK lists "Channel 4 Evening News" on a CD
for sale: (look under "Episode
Four, Disc One, Track 16") I'm not positive that's the Hawkshaw
theme, though. There are other websites selling these CD's--just
search for "music factory channel 4".
Before purchasing, you might want to contact the publisher, the Music
Factory at: Phone: +44 (0) 1709
710022. Email:, to try to verify this
is the theme you want. |