Hello Aarforce1!
I believe I have found your poem and information about its author.
The short answer:
The poem is called "Nobody Knows It But Me," written by Patrick
O'Leary and recited by James Garner.
Nobody Knows It But Me
There's a place that I travel
When I want to roam
And nobody knows it but me.
The roads don't go there
And the signs stay home
And nobody knows it but me.
It's far far away
And way way afar
It's over the moon and the sea.
And wherever you're going
That's wherever you are
And nobody knows it but me.
[ http://www.emule.com/2poetry/phorum/read.php?f=4&i=23469&t=23387 ]
The long answer:
The first time I heard this commercial, I remember thinking "what
movie is that?" because it was so catchy and enticing, pulling me in.
But then I noticed the car (SUV actually) and realized it's just
another ad.
But it's not just another ad as I have found through researching this
question. Many people have been inquiring about this poem on the
internet and who wrote it and what were the words? It's one of those
ads that grab you because it is so different and the poem is the
reason for this.
So, intrigued, I set out in search of this poem looking for any bit of
information I could. First, I found the question being asked by other
people on this page:
[ http://www.poetrylibrary.org.uk/poetry/quote/quote.jsp ]
It was asked twice but each time the reply was to a song which, while
containing the line, was a red-herring -- a deceptive clue that led
But then I came across another discussion about this poem here:
[ http://www.emule.com/2poetry/phorum/read.php?f=4&i=23387&t=23387 ]
That's were several resourceful people found out about this elusive
poem by asking Chevrolet themselves! One post:
"... I emailed Chevrolet at the address he (She?) provided AND got a
reply with the text of the poem, the author and the identity of the
narrator (James Garner)."
says that the author and the narrator was one in the same but I think
this is just a mix up because here:
[ http://www.emule.com/2poetry/phorum/read.php?f=4&i=23469&t=23387 ]
It is a reply from Chevy that states:
"We appreciate your interest in General Motors Advertisements. The
name of the poem that you are seeking is titled "Nobody Knows It But
Me". The poem is by Patrick O'Leary and the poem is narrated by the
actor Mr. James Garner."
There is another post:
[ http://www.emule.com/2poetry/phorum/read.php?f=4&i=23473&t=23387 ]
that also states Patrick O'Leary as the author and James Garner as the
I have emailed Patrick O'Leary and Chevrolet myself and will post back
the replies once they arrive.
You can find out more about the author here:
[ http://www.locusmag.com/1999/Issues/09/Oleary.html ]
Which states he is a vice president of an ad agency which works for
Chevy. So it was written for the commercial, but by a real poet who
happens to work at an ad agency.
His home page with biographical information and a picture is here:
[ http://mywebpages.comcast.net/patrickoleary/newindex.html ]
So Patrick O'Leary wrote it, James Garner narrated it, and Chevrolet
became famous for it.
If you need any additional assistance with this question I'll be glad
to help you. Just be sure to "Request Answer Clarification" before you
rate this answer!
This is a great poem and I enjoyed learning more about it, I hope you
do as well!
The Poetry Archive - General Discussion - Re: Poem from Chevy Tahoe
The Poetry Archive - General Discussion - Re: Poem from Chevy Tahoe
Locus Online: Patrick O'Leary interview
Patrick O'Leary Home Page
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