hi bobh33,
The largest float plane ever built is the HK-1 (Hughes/Kaiser), later
changed to H-4. The Hughes Flying Boat is commonly called the "Spruce
Goose" - It has the largest wing span (320ft) of any aircraft ever
built. The Spruce Goose only flew once in 1947. Today it can be found
at the Evergreen Aviation Museum.
Official "Spruce Goose" web pages:
Today, the largest flying float plane in operation is the "Martin
Mars", and it's the worlds largest water bomber, with a length of 120
feet, a wing span of 200 feet and a drop capacity of one million
liters (265,000 U.S. Gallons) of water during a single sortie (37
consecutive drops 5.9 hrs). Sproat Lake is home of the Martin Mars.
There are two Martin Mars still in operation - the Martin JRM-1
"Philippine" Mars, and the Martin JRM-1 "Hawaii" Mars .
Bush Pilot John Lovelace has spent the past four years covering every
corner of Wilderness Canada and documenting his discoveries in the
WINGS OVER CANADA TV series. The series, now seen weekly just about
everywhere in North America, is a lighthearted look at Canada, its
people, history and customs. In "Flying Series" No. 4 John Lovelace
looks at at the Flying boats both small and large still operating in
Canada . According to John the Martin Mars is "second only in size to
Howard Hughes "Spruce Goose". But this huge airplane still flies!"
Wings Over Canada series website:
The Martin Mars is the largest float plane "ever flown operationally,"
say its owners (Forest Industries Flying Tankers Ltd. of Port Alberni,
Source: "World's biggest water bomber awes Atlin" by Jonathan Morse,
News reporter, ATLIN, B.C.
related sites:
"Wings over the Pacific"- image based, aircraft information website
The Martin Mars Flying Boat Personal WebSite
The Martin Mars Flying Boat Personal WebSite
MARS Flying Tankers Personal WebSite
search terms used
"largest float plane" world +
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