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Q: Searching for cover photo from the Economist, "Greetings, Earthlings" ( No Answer,   3 Comments )
Subject: Searching for cover photo from the Economist, "Greetings, Earthlings"
Category: Reference, Education and News > Current Events
Asked by: hedin-ga
List Price: $2.50
Posted: 27 Oct 2002 07:04 PST
Expires: 26 Nov 2002 07:04 PST
Question ID: 90524
The June 17, 2000 edition of The Economist had a story titled,
"Encounter in Pyongyang."  The cover of this issue had a picture of
Kim Jong Il, the North Korean leader, with arm raised addressing a
delegation.  The Economist put the large caption underneath,
"Greetings, Earthlings."

I want a copy of that photo/caption pair.  I even paid the economist
website for access to their story archives, and got the story, but it
didn't include the graphic.

Where can I get this image?  

That is the one and only question I have. Don't pad your answer with
links/bs to anything else, please.

Request for Question Clarification by omnivorous-ga on 27 Oct 2002 15:26 PST
Hedin --

I have a copy from my local library that I can post on an Internet
site for you.  With the address & classification tags, it obscures
part of the Economist logo and a portion of the 'G' in "Greetings,

I won't post it if that's unacceptable to you (the 'G' is in an
Arial-type font and probably easily repairable), as we wouldn't want
you to get charged.

Best regards,


Clarification of Question by hedin-ga on 27 Oct 2002 16:27 PST
I should have said...  

I'm giving an academic seminar next month in Kuala Lumpur ('Juche &
Proliferation') and for the slide show I need a high quality, color
image of the cover for one of my opening slides.

So I need a good quality digital image for a copy of it, and I'd
prefer if the cover wasn't marred by too many subscription labels and
the like (although I could deal with it if it was minor).

So your idea works fine, *IF* I can get a decent scan of the image. 
If it costs you a few dollars to get a good scan, I can increase the
value of this question commensurately.


Request for Question Clarification by omnivorous-ga on 27 Oct 2002 16:59 PST
Hedin --

The scan would be good, but this is pretty well marred.  If it were me
doing the presentation, I'd want the logo clear -- as well as the

Best suggestion: see if a library near you has a clear copy.  I'm
highly confident you won't find this one on the web if you've failed

Best regards,


Clarification of Question by hedin-ga on 28 Oct 2002 07:44 PST
Yeah, that's definitely the image I need for my talk.  If someone can
drum that up for me, and run it through a scanner, that would be
great. I'd be happy to bump up the price of this question a few
dollars to cover a bit more time and effort.
There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: Searching for cover photo from the Economist, "Greetings, Earthlings"
From: omnivorous-ga on 27 Oct 2002 08:53 PST
Hedin and GA Researchers:

The June, 2000 issues of The Economist are missing in the Web Archives
pages.  A quick search of "Kim Jong Il" in Google images reveals 617
images but I couldn't find the Economist cover.

Best regards,

Subject: Re: Searching for cover photo from the Economist, "Greetings, Earthlings"
From: pafalafa-ga on 27 Oct 2002 18:46 PST
This isn't what you call your high-resolution photo, but here's the
cover, right from The Economist site:
Subject: Re: Searching for cover photo from the Economist, "Greetings, Earthlings"
From: koz-ga on 14 Nov 2002 21:57 PST
Go to, enter "Kim Jong Il" in the left side
search box (the one marked "Professional").

On page 10 of the search results you will find image FT0040353.  This
seems to be taken from the very same bank of photographers as the
Economist cover image.  Slightly different angle and compositon, but
the same salute.  It shouldn't be too hard to crop that into a usable
reproduction of the cover.

I tried to find pricing for the hi-resolution JPG from Corbis, but you
need to talk to an account representative.  They seem to have
different pricing for one-time educational use, I suggest registering
and talking to an account executive.  Wish I could mark this as an
answer, but I have no answer as to price etc.

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