The June 17, 2000 edition of The Economist had a story titled,
"Encounter in Pyongyang." The cover of this issue had a picture of
Kim Jong Il, the North Korean leader, with arm raised addressing a
delegation. The Economist put the large caption underneath,
"Greetings, Earthlings."
I want a copy of that photo/caption pair. I even paid the economist
website for access to their story archives, and got the story, but it
didn't include the graphic.
Where can I get this image?
That is the one and only question I have. Don't pad your answer with
links/bs to anything else, please. |
Request for Question Clarification by
27 Oct 2002 15:26 PST
Hedin --
I have a copy from my local library that I can post on an Internet
site for you. With the address & classification tags, it obscures
part of the Economist logo and a portion of the 'G' in "Greetings,
I won't post it if that's unacceptable to you (the 'G' is in an
Arial-type font and probably easily repairable), as we wouldn't want
you to get charged.
Best regards,
Clarification of Question by
27 Oct 2002 16:27 PST
I should have said...
I'm giving an academic seminar next month in Kuala Lumpur ('Juche &
Proliferation') and for the slide show I need a high quality, color
image of the cover for one of my opening slides.
So I need a good quality digital image for a copy of it, and I'd
prefer if the cover wasn't marred by too many subscription labels and
the like (although I could deal with it if it was minor).
So your idea works fine, *IF* I can get a decent scan of the image.
If it costs you a few dollars to get a good scan, I can increase the
value of this question commensurately.
Request for Question Clarification by
27 Oct 2002 16:59 PST
Hedin --
The scan would be good, but this is pretty well marred. If it were me
doing the presentation, I'd want the logo clear -- as well as the
Best suggestion: see if a library near you has a clear copy. I'm
highly confident you won't find this one on the web if you've failed
Best regards,
Clarification of Question by
28 Oct 2002 07:44 PST
Yeah, that's definitely the image I need for my talk. If someone can
drum that up for me, and run it through a scanner, that would be
great. I'd be happy to bump up the price of this question a few
dollars to cover a bit more time and effort.