The data used here is from the "Statistical Abstract of the United
States 2001" and its Education section:
U.S. Center for Education Statistics (Digest of Education Statistics)
annual report is the source of the information. The data posted below
is for 1999, the latest available year in this current report --
except for the public/private split in the last section (which is
2001). The past 20 years and projections for the first decade of the
21st century are included in the Statistical Abstract.
Note too that private school data is not as finely split, either by
grade or by state, as public school data. Private school data is in
Table 249 (page 28 of the 48-page PDF document linked above).
K: 4,148
1: 3,684
2: 3,655
3: 3.690
4: 3,686
5: 3,604
6: 3,564
7: 3,541
8: 3,497
Unclassified: 418
9: 3,935
10: 3,415
11: 3,034
12: 2,782
Unclassified: 203
TOTAL = 46,857 (1999)
**** K-8 / grades 9-12 ***
AL: 539/202
AK: 96/ 39
AZ: 624/229
AR: 318/133
CA: 4,337/1,702
CO: 507/202
CT: 404/150
DE: 80/ 33
DC: 60/ 17
FL: 1,725/656
GA: 1,044/379
HI: 133/ 53
ID: 169/ 77
IL: 1,462/565
IN: 699/289
IA: 336/161
KS: 326/146
KY: 459/190
LA: 548/209
ME: 149/ 60
MD: 607/239
MA: 706/265
MI: 1,245/481
MN: 580/274
MS: 365/135
MO: 649/265
MT: 107/ 50
NE: 197/ 91
NV: 240/ 86
NH: 147/ 60
NJ: 954/335
NM: 229/ 96
NY: 2,034/854
NC: 935/341
ND: 75/ 38
OH: 1,296/540
OK: 447/180
OR: 378/167
PA: 1,262/555
RI: 114/ 43
SC: 484/183
SD: 90/ 41
TN: 664/252
TX: 2,896/1,096
UT: 329/151
VT: 72/ 32
VA: 817/317
WA: 695/309
WV: 203/ 88
WI: 596/281
WY: 62/ 30
2001 K-12 ENROLLMENT, PUBLIC vs. PRIVATE (in millions)
Public: 47,176
Private: 5,979
Google search strategy:
Best regards,
Omnivorous-GA |
Clarification of Answer by
30 Oct 2002 00:58 PST
Angie --
The most-recent release of educational statistics came this month from
the National Center for Education Statistics in the report,
"Projections of Education Statistics to 2012" (October, 2002)
This study has actual data actual for 2000, with projections through
2012. The level of detail is the same as in the initial answer, data
available. Rather than retype data and risk errors for each of the
states or grades, I've indicated the page of the document/page of the
PDF file for you:
* public vs. private (pages 12/30)
-- 2000: 47,223,000 vs. 5,944,000
-- 2001 (projected): 47,424,000 vs. 5,944,000
Private schools attendance is split K-8 and 9-12 only; no per-grade
data. This split of the private school data is pretty consistent
through all Department of Education data.
* public school attendance by grade: 2000 actual, projections in 2001
and after (pages 14/32)
* public school attendance by state: 2000 actual, projections in 2001
and after (pages 15/33)
The report includes a wide range of assumptions at the outset, which
may help your analysis.
Best regards,