Hello Inkt,
I've found a few links for you which should give you some help.
The following lists the types of day care centre which are recognised
by California.
http://www.caads.org/factsheet_adc.html has information about funding
day care centres. This is how it breaks down the funding for them:
* Client fees (out-of-pocket) account for the major source of funding
* Federal Older Americans' Act funds through area agencies on aging
* Scholarships from Caregiver Resource Centers
* Public and private grants
* Donations, gifts, etc.
* Long term care insurance, if a community-based insurance product is
Finally, http://www.dss.cahwnet.gov/cdssweb/FindServic_716.htm has the
forms for you to apply for licensing etc. They may also be able to
help you with further information about public grants.
Hope this helps,
Gremmy |