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Q: Landing the Perfect Job ( No Answer,   4 Comments )
Subject: Landing the Perfect Job
Category: Business and Money > Employment
Asked by: mrericn-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 30 Oct 2002 06:51 PST
Expires: 29 Nov 2002 06:51 PST
Question ID: 93079
I'm graduating from college in a couple months with a degree in
Computer Science, and I've spent alot of time looking for "good jobs".

After some searching I've found Google to be the one company I want to
work for.  It's not one of several, it's _THE_ company I want to work
for. The work environment sounds great, I'd love to live on the west
coast, and most importantly it sounds like a fascinating challenge and
fulfilling job.

Now, obviously, I've looked through the archives and I found the "How
do I get a Job at Google?" question w/ "through the website!" reply. 
Also, I'm more than aware that it would be inappropriate to give out
the name and home address of a hiring manager (ding-dong ... "Hi, I'm
Eric, I brought dinner!"). So, I'm going to ask more generic question
that hopefully deserves a more specific response.

---------------------Actual Question---------------------------
How does someone (if you need specifics a highly qualified Computer
Science BS graduate) convince the ONE particular company that (s)he is
interested that (s)he is the right employee (out of hundreds) for the
-------------------End Actual Question-------------------------

That should be vague enough to "not be about Google".  It just happens
to be that the company I want to work for has an oracular research

Here are some answers I'm not particularly interested in:
"Submit your resume to the recruiter and twiddle your thumbs."
"Maybe you should broaden your job search."

There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: Landing the Perfect Job
From: k9uw-ga on 31 Oct 2002 19:35 PST
This is a question with more than one right answer.  As a College
Career Counselor with 26 years of experience with helping science
students, here's my take on things.....

First, RUN to the nearest library or bookstore to get your hands on a
copy of "What Color Is Your Parachute?" by Richard Bolles.  Read the
sections pertaining to skills identification and the techniques for
finding the person who has the authority to hire you.

Your narrative preceeding your question seems to address why you want
to work for Google, but I saw no mention of why they would want YOU. 
The principle of least interest is on their side and it is vitally
important for you to understand that.  There are a LOT of computer
competent candidates who are jobless on the west coast right now, and
any west coast employer does not need to look very far to find skilled
applicants, so I return to the question you must be prepared to answer
before you contact Google...What can YOU do for THEM?

Some day I intend to write my own book, but my students and my family
keep me too busy right now to make any headway.  If I had time to
write the book, the premise would be that there are three critical
steps to giving yourself the best chance of finding work that you

#1:  You must know what your skills are.  Most people have trouble
with this, and the lack of awareness of their own skills weakens their
applications and interview performance.  In the aforementioned book,
you will learn that the average worker in this country has over 800
skills.  Most of my seniors can't name 50.  How do you convince an
employer of your skills when you are unable to articulate them?

#2:  You must know what skills Google (or any employer, for that
matter) expects you to have IN ORDER TO DO THE WORK THE WAY THEY WANT
IT DONE.  Don't assume that your prowess as a Programmer will win the
day.  In fact, attitude and behavior continue to be the prevailing
issues in hiring AND firing.  Nationwide, 10% of all new college grads
are FIRED from their first professional position within 6 months.  In
virtually all cases, employers report that the terminations are
directly related to attitude problems displayed by the new hire.

#3:  You need to prove, on paper and later in person, that you have
already used the skills the employer expects you to have WITH GOOD

The only way that a prospective employer can predict what you will be
like on their payroll is to see what you have been like on previous
payrolls.  Don't lean on your GPA, because grades do NOT predict on
the job success.  Take a good look at your resume or portfolio.  What
evidence do you offer that you've done a GOOD job where you've worked
previously?  Is there anything there that stops someone from
concluding that you've done just enough to avoid being fired?

In my job, I often hear that 70% of the openings out there are never
published.  I believe that to be true.  I also believe the reports
suggesting that 50% of all jobs are filled by word of mouth.  The old
saying that "It's WHO you know" is only partially true.  In reality,
it's more like "It's who you know and WHAT THOSE PEOPLE THINK OF YOU".
 To put it another way...who knows you?

The biggest challenge you face after graduation isn't in finding a
job, but in finding a good boss.  Working for a high profile place
won't pan out if your supervisor is an idiot.  Bad bosses cause more
employees to move on than any other issue, with the possible exception
of spouse relocation.

Finally, while I can't dismiss the value of broadening your search, I
am also a big believer in aiming high...provided that you work with a
safety net.  Google might be your second or third employer.  Give it
your BEST shot and, if it doesn't pan out now, use "plan B" to get

Best wishes.
Subject: Re: Landing the Perfect Job
From: claudietta-ga on 31 Oct 2002 23:39 PST

One of the most efficient things you can do is network.  Figure out
who you know that works for Google, or figure out someone who knows
some one who works for Google. The higher the person the better.  Have
them introduce you to Google, and anyone who makes decisions.

My take on Google is that every other CS major would want to work for
them, and they have a lot of power on the labor force because of all
the good things they they've done and all the good things that have
happened to them.

The competition is fierce, but as I alway say: if you don't reach
high, you'll never get there!!


Good luck,
Subject: Re: Landing the Perfect Job
From: dannidin-ga on 01 Nov 2002 01:43 PST

What a wonderfully written comment! You HAVE to write that book!
Subject: Re: Landing the Perfect Job
From: mrericn-ga on 01 Nov 2002 06:29 PST
K9UW & Claudietta,

Thanks for the great comments.  I agree that K9UW should write the
book.  In case you're worried, I am of course looking high & low for
other jobs, and also getting ready to apply for grad school as plan C.
I'm in a difficult spot for networking.  I'm all the way on the other
side of the continent, and in a non-technological town.  I don't have
friends in the industry yet, and it seems my professors have come here
for the isolation.  So how do I get started networking?

Fortunately, I think I do have a good feel for what my skills are, and
I've managed to gather quite a few while in school. I am going to go
pick up "Parachute" this afternoon, and look through that for some

thanks again guys!

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