Hello Adrian,
You sure did pick a great question. I decided to answer it because I
was looking for something to do with my time as well :-)
The fact that you asked this question shows that you have an interest
in new ideas. I too at one point in time was in the same position you
are now, and here are some things that I found fun:
1) Since you have internet access, you could learn to build a free
2) Learn to play guitar. Everyone loves guitar.
3) Bake some cookies. For men it hones our understanding of patience.
4) Drop a postcard to someone in the military. They need it.
5) Exercise. This may be the start of a regular routine.
6) Find a penpal, and share some thoughts with new friends.
7) Go shopping. Only this time go through the site below to help the
8) As PinkFreud mentioned, (you may like algebra) - try some
impossible math
9) Order pizza. When you get it, drop it off to a homeless person.
10) Surf the web in style. Visit the site below, with tons fo
different options.
I hope that gives you a few ideas. Should you desire some more, I
would be more than glad to come up with some.
If you need some clarification, please ask before rating this answer,
and I'll jump back in here to assist. Most of the stuff I presented to
you didn't involve a set search strategy, although I did search for:
things to do when bored
Thanks for the question, and have fun!
SgtCory |
Request for Answer Clarification by
31 Oct 2002 22:20 PST
Let me clarify: What should I do with all of my time?
Clarification of Answer by
01 Nov 2002 04:19 PST
Hello -
If you have all of your time free, then you might want to consider
getting a headstart on a career. (Or new career - I am assuming you
are in the U.S., but every country has some of the same options.)
The military is one of the finest options out there. You get to travel
for free, get free health care, and much more. The U.S. has a military
presence in almost every country out there - you simply need to choose
a field of interest. Here are some sites with more information:
US Marine Corps home page
I recommend doing something that will offer measurable results. This
well help justify the time invested. If the military is not your 'cup
of tea', you could spend your time at the other end of the spectrum -
with the peace corps.
Peace Corps
Either route, you would be bettering yourself, and offering your time
to your country.
The best advice/answer that I can give, is to keep learning. If you
find yourself with excess free time, then you have time for a college
class, or time for a higher education class.
Good Luck!
Clarification of Answer by
01 Nov 2002 04:19 PST
Army link again -
Request for Answer Clarification by
01 Nov 2002 05:28 PST
Let me clarify: What should we do with all of our time? (Doesn't
this question have the same answer as the one previously asked?)
Request for Answer Clarification by
01 Nov 2002 05:32 PST
Let me clarify: What should we do with all of our time? (Shouldn't
this question have the same answer as the one previously asked?)
Clarification of Answer by
01 Nov 2002 05:56 PST
Hello again Adrian,
We should probably 'spend it' with the ones we love. I could analyze
your question for hours, but it all comes down to a few variables:
- What do you want to do with your time?
- What do you want to do with my time?
- What do you want to do with our time?
Q. What do you want to do with your time?
Sit down and relax. Try to be as clear as you can with yourself. What
is your ultimate desired end result? What you do with your time plays
an important role in your future.
Q. What do you want to do with my time?
Where are we going with this? Have you found something to do with your
time? Are you enjoying it? What a conundrum... :-)
Q. What do you want to do with our time?
Only you can answer this one. I thought you needed something to do
with your time, so I answered the question. In answering the question
- I think I stepped into your realm of 'something to do'.
Am I close yet? (laugh)
Thanks again -
Clarification of Answer by
01 Nov 2002 06:21 PST
I was happy to help out. Thanks for your time, the tip, and especially
the comments :
"I guess I don't want to wake up in 50 years and have regrets"
This hits home with many people, including myself -
Thanks again,