Society as an information processing entity
Category: Science > Social Sciences Asked by: octava-ga List Price: $10.00 |
31 Oct 2002 22:06 PST
Expires: 30 Nov 2002 22:06 PST Question ID: 95074 |
I want to know about any serious work in which society, or any particular society, has been analyzed as an information processing entity. I would be specially interested in any work which compares a society to a computer or a brain. I am also interested in any work which considers that a society itself (in a collective way, as opposed to the individuals in that society) "learns", "reckons", "belives", etc. Similarly, I am interested in works which treat society as having conscious and unconscious information processing. I am less interested in works which use these kind of analogies, but do it mostly as a kind of poetic license. I want the works that take these analogies seriously |
Re: Society as an information processing entity
Answered By: hedgie-ga on 31 Oct 2002 23:40 PST Rated: |
Hello Octava, You have posted an important, currently open, and I dare to say a deep question. The analogy between society and organism has been around for a long time ( Cicero's classes, Freud's censor, ..), however during the last few decades the concept is considered to be more than that, more then than analogy, by part of the research community. Premier site promoting this post-modern view is Principia Cybernetica: http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/SUPORGLI.html The discipline which studies the society and organism from the unified point of view is called Complex Systems: http://directory.google.com/Top/Society/Philosophy/Philosophy_of_Science/Philosophy_of_Physics/Complex_Systems/ The fact that category is listed in 'Philosophy of Physics' rather then in reflects the fact that the new concept of an 'abstract organism', which can be a 'classical organism' (animal or human), an 'anthill or behive, or a society (of organisms or complex machines (agents)) has not been generally accepted by the scientific community. This clasification used in google as well as other web directories originated in ODP http://dmoz.org/about.html where the science part of the editor community so far resisted proposals to move Complex Systems to Science or Science/Physics. The concept of the 'abstract organism' includes view of the planet Earth as an organism - the so called Gaia Hypothesis: http://www.magna.com.au/~prfbrown/gaia.html The information-processing aspect of such an 'organism' was first formulated by physicist Peter Russel: http://www.peterussell.com/GB/Chap8.html whose book Global Brain is hereby recommended for further exploration of this interesting topic: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=books&field-keywords=Global%20Brain&search-type=ss&bq=1/103-8979814-7875840 Search terms were global brain complex ssystems Peter Russel memes and memetics as apparent from the above text. If you came to think about this notion independently, your intuition and power of abstraction is decidedly in the 'above average' range. Congratulations and happy explorations. Hedgie |
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Re: Society as an information processing entity
From: snapanswer-ga on 01 Nov 2002 07:57 PST |
I don't think this directly answers the "society as a computer" theme of your question, so I have included it as a comment. You may be interested in looking into Evolutionary Memes or memetics. Instead of looking at society as a computer, it looks at ideas as organisms, subject to "survival of the fittest." Where it relates to your area of inquiry is that the playground for these "organisms" is society's "collective mind." Some memetics philosophy suggests the absence of free will (which would not correspond to what you are investigating) while other outlooks suggest that people have a capacity to accept or reject which memes program their minds, in effect filtering the weak memes away from the strong memes. Memetics http://www.aleph.se/Trans/Cultural/Memetics/ "Memetics is the study of ideas and concepts viewed as 'living' organisms, capable of reproduction and evolution in an 'Ideosphere' (similar to the Biosphere) consisting of the collective of human minds." Other sites: http://www.memecentral.com/ |
Re: Society as an information processing entity
From: neilzero-ga on 01 Nov 2002 21:23 PST |
I agree, important insite may come from your research. It might be helpful to examine the propaganda ministry which Gobles ran for Adolf Hitler 1938 to 1945 The world view of the German people evolved rapidly durring this period. Some right wing experts think much of the world is now being brainwashed by a great conspiracy of media maniplation by the rich and powerful internationalists. Neil |
Re: Society as an information processing entity
From: ellis-ga on 05 Nov 2002 00:52 PST |
You may be interested to know that there is a movement called extropianism or transhumanism that suggests (among other things) that humanity is now in an exponentially increasing feedback loop with its technology that will in the near future become something called a "singularity", which may be described as when humans are no longer a hive but instead a single organism. Transhumanists are generally heavily involved with memetics, which was described above. More info here: http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/lifeafterdeath/extropianism/index.shtml Another way of looking at this is to focus on the concept of a boundary itself. Boundaries are not real in any sense, but are drawn within our minds. When is one object two? When the Molecular bonds are broken? Magnetic bonds broken? Marriage certificate torn in half? It's arbitrary, since everything is connected to everything else in some sense by the simple notion that everything is in the same Universe. Have you ever been part of a group of people in some religious or ritualistic event where the group became synchronised in some way, and you experience loss of any forms or duality and become part of an undifferntiated white light? Some claim that this white light is actually a benign multibeing entity, or some short term singularity in the sense described above. Another aspect of this is to look in the opposite direction biologically. There is a species of amoeba called Dictyostelium Discoideum. These amoebae will live on their own, foraging for food. Once it becomes scarce, they signal each other, and come together as one. They form into a vehicle, a slug, and move to another food source. Then some amoebae sacrifice themselves to form a solid stalk, which the rest of the amoebae climb to the top of. They form a spore, which then explodes and scatters all over the food, allowing them to forage as individuals, once again. There's a lot of scientific research all over the world on this creature's genes, with the hope of understanding how multi-cellular life came about. Read more about it here: http://www.iam.ubc.ca/~stan/Thesis/ http://dictybase.org/tutorial/about_dictystelium.htm And search google for "Dictyostelium Discoideum" The concept of the Collective Unconcious: http://fusionanomaly.net/collectiveunconscious.html Dissolving Boundaries: http://fusionanomaly.net/dissolvingboundaries.html Concrescence: http://fusionanomaly.net/concrescence.html Singularity: http://fusionanomaly.net/singularity.html I couldn't help adding a comment because I am immensely interested in this subject as well. Ellis |
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