Hello, garyb-ga!
A very extensive database of UK health and self-help organizations
can be found on the Mentor Website at http://www.mentor-update.com/ .
The site contains over 1000 entries containing details of self help
groups, patient associations and similar organisations in the UK,
including live links to web sites where they exist.
The best way to search the site is through the Alphabetical Table of
Contents. On the home page at http://www.mentor-update.com/ :
1. Click on the link for Search the PILs self-help database of UK
self help groups
2. Click on the Database tab on the top, right corner of the PILs
3. Click on the Table of Contents link
Type in a keyword in the Search box
4. Examples:
By typing in Women in the Search box, I found 15 matches for
womens support organizations.
By searching alphabetically under W, I found only 10 of the 15
organizations, since the other five support groups dont start
with W.
(ex: Abused Women, Black Womens Rape Action, etc.)
5. I also noticed that some of the links through the keyword search
do not
work. When typing Fibromyalgia in the search box, it brought up
one link,
which did not work when I clicked on it. However, searching for
Fibromyalgia under F in the Table of Contents brought up two
Please note that many of the organization home pages have links to
other self-help groups, which you might not necessarily find under a
keyword or alphabetical search. For example, a link to Stiff UK
(Fibromyalgia Support) appears on the web pages for Fibromyalgia
Association UK and Fibromyalgia Support Northern Ireland, but it is
probably not a name you would think of on your own. Therefore,
scrolling through the database alphabetically will reveal a wealth or
organizations with unique names!
The Directory of British Selp Help Groups and Support
Organizations, by Steve and Julie Garrill, can be ordered at
http://www.doctor.gp/help/ for a very reasonable price. It is
available in booklet or CD format.
The directory contains details of over 820 British national
self-help and support organisations covering more than 750 conditions
and needs. It is alphabetically sorted, cross-referenced and indexed.
A full listing of conditions covered in the directory is available
at http://www.doctor.gp/help/full_listing.htm
An extensive listing of Cancer Support groups, in particular, can be
found on the Cancerbacup website at
http://www.cancerbacup.org.uk/resource/organisations.htm . Click on
the link for the online database and select your criteria from
Depending on your interests, you may be interesting in joining the
Self Help And Mutual Aid Research Network.
The aim of the network is to increase the collaborative work between
self help groups, practitioners and researchers to enhance the
identity and understanding of self help in the UK. A lengthy
description about the organization can be found at
http://www.selfhelp.org.uk/research.htm#uk. Membership is currently
I think the above references are the most comprehensive listings for
the UK that you will be able to find. Please do not hesitate to ask if
I can help further.
Google Search Strategy
list of UK health organizations
list of UK self help organizations |