Hello Rans0m! Sorry if it took quite a long time for somebody to
attend to your query. Well, now here I am to answer your question. I
checked the answer after searching my own library and verifying it
from a Japanese contact from Thailand.
The direct answer to your question is already posted below by
ziffielou-ga and it is correct. Okinawa Prefecture is Japan's
south-westernmost prefecture. The islands are divided into three major
groups namely, the Okinawa island group, the Miyako island group, and
the Yaeyama island group. Among the three, Okinawa island the largest,
followed by Iriomote island , Isigaki island and Miyako island. The
Okinawa prefecture has 49 inhabited and 110 uninhabited islands.
Okinawa has been the center of martial arts of the islands since
ancient times. The genji clan is among the famous clans that inhabited
the islands thousands of years ago. In the tenth century, a fifteen
year old boy named Sonton, a descendant of a well-known member of the
Genji clan, became lord of Urasoe who united the islands. The Okinawan
people are peace-loving and doesn’t need weapons. The Okinawan islands
were invaded and conquered by the Shimazu clan of Kyushu.
Nunchaku and Sai, Ancient Okinawan Martial Arts, by Ryusho Sakagami,
Japan Publications, Inc., copyright 1974
The following info was relayed to me by my friend from a Japanese
Genji – name of a family, a clan
Ryu – style
Taeki – to kick
Shindo – a Japanese healing and bodywork method based on thousands of
years of wisdom.
Aizu o Dome – Aizu is a celestial martial art that includes the
practice of self defense, healing skills, wilderness living, many
different ways to use ki (the universal flow), and more. It can also
mean the name of a place.
When translated, it could mean - the Genji style of self-defense based
on spirituality and wisdom.
I hope the following info will be of help to you. Thank you very much.
Feilong |