Hello plumeria,
Since the Physics II class is generally the same across schools, I was
able to find some help sites consistant with your needs. The one I
found the most interesting I have listed first. It contains 'java
applets' that give you some level of interaction, so you can see what
is at work, and why. Here is the site:
General Physics with Examples (E fields and potentials)
The second site I found is from Boston University Physics lab. They
also have some java applets with concise answers to each problem.
Physlabs at Boston University
Also see their interactive physics exercises
Berkeley also has an extensive testing and practice area on the
internet. They are not as interactive as the ones above, but they do
come with full explanations:
Berkeley Physics Projects and more
Bowling Green State University Physic II course
The one above comes via a slide show. The explanations to any problems
are given in the form of notes during the slideshow.
This next one is some notes taken and put in an outline form from
Harvard. You will need the Adobe Acrobat reader to view this one. Some
of the topics include: Crises, Quantum Conlcusions, and Interference.
I figured they may help you in your studies.
Harvard Physics II Lecture Notes with examples
To help find these sites I searched Google for:
Physics 201 practice
Physics II with practice exam with explanations
I hope this gives you some good sources to help you along the way.
Should you need clarification or more resources, please ask before
rating this answer as I would love to be of further assistance.
Thanks for the great question!
SgtCory |