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Q: rogaine, zinc ( Answered 4 out of 5 stars,   0 Comments )
Subject: rogaine, zinc
Category: Health > Men's Health
Asked by: anonymous777-ga
List Price: $65.00
Posted: 02 Nov 2002 10:10 PST
Expires: 02 Dec 2002 10:10 PST
Question ID: 96575
i have a compulsive dissorder and am using rogaine for hair loss. i
use way more than recamended dose. i go through a bottle in 2 days
because i feel more is better. can you tell me if it is ok to use alot
of rogaine or can this cause more hair loss. i try to cut back but my
compulsive dissorder kicks in. i need some help to know if i am
causing this extra hair loss my self or can more be better???   i also
use head and shoulders twice a week and i want to know if it can cause
hair loss with the rogaine. i also read that using pyrithione zinc
"head and shoulders" can help stop hair loss.

                  what is the truth?
Subject: Re: rogaine, zinc
Answered By: sgtcory-ga on 02 Nov 2002 11:32 PST
Rated:4 out of 5 stars

Great questions! Our boring disclaimer - We are not doctors, but we
can point you in the right direction for information. You should
always seek the advice of a physician. Now, on to your questions :

Q. Is it ok to use alot of rogaine or can this cause more hair loss?

I visited the Rogaine site to address your initial concerns. There is
no documentation of excess hair loss, but there is a statement on the
site that you should be aware of:

"This list includes the unwanted effects that are the most serious or
the most common:"

The list includes "increased hair loss" among many others.

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, using more
Rogaine does not equal more hair. Below is a link to the site, and
after that are some more resources for you to peruse, that may be of

Whether or not using excessive Rogaine is safe is not well documented,
but I did find some medical sites that list some possible side
effects. None of the side effects include 'causing more hair loss'.
Here are some excerpts of what I was able to locate:

"Excessive doses can cause a rapid heartbeat or dizziness but is very
uncommon with normal use."

"Although extensive use of topical minoxidil has not revealed evidence
that enough minoxidil is absorbed to have systemic effects, greater
absorption because of misuse or individual variability or unusual
sensitivity could lead, at least theoretically, to a systemic effect,
and patients need to be aware of this"

"Signs and symptoms of minoxidil overdosage would most likely be
cardiovascular effects associated with hypotension, sudden weight
gain, rapid heart beat, faintness or dizziness." (lower on the page)

While there is no proof that over-usage causes more hair loss, there
is concern that it will/can cause some of the symptoms above. We
researchers are not doctors, as we just locate information. In your
case, I highly recommend seeking the advice of a physician, as it
could only help you have a better understanding of the implications of
your use.

Q. I also use head and shoulders...if it can cause hair loss with the

There is no solid evidence linking the two. The Rogaine site states:

"You should continue your haircare routine as normal, but choose
haircare products carefully and make sure they don't interfere with
the absorption of Rogaine"

I understand this to say that once the minoxidil is absorbed, it is
already at work. When you shampoo it should be after the minoxidil has
already had time to absorb. On the Rogaine site it also states:

"Use of Rogaine in conjunction with other products should be discussed
with your pharmacist or doctor"

I am not sure if this applies to conditioners and other shampoos, but
it is definitely worth looking in to. Rogaine seems to have every
angle of questions pointing back to your (all users) physician(s). I
guess this is because the effects are so varying from user to user.

Q. Can Pyrithione zinc "head and shoulders" help stop hair loss?

I found an interesting article that you may want to read about zinc
supplements in general, as they relate to hair loss:

Oxford Hair Loss

Essentialy the site outlines that a low zinc content in the body would
cause hair loss anyway. Here is an excerpt:

"In this case, zinc treatment corrects all the signs including new
luxuriant normal hair growth within months. "

The statement above is by a hair doctor from the United Kingdom. I
didn't want to trust just one source, so I dug up some more
information -

Dermatology Times
"Regular use of a commercially available antidandruff shampoo
containing 1 percent pyrithione zinc (PTZ) does not adversely affect
hair loss in men with androgenetic alopecia and may in fact slow its
progression or result in improvement, according to the results of a
prospective, randomized, controlled investigation"

While I was able to find quite a few sites with statements from people
who use these zinc products, I wanted to give you as many medical
sources as possible. Many people claim different things work for them,
however you seemed to be geared toward the medical views. In the
medical field, the overall consensus seems to show no proof of
re-growth. Hair Regrowth centers may tell you differently as this is
their core business - and they need to make money.

To assist with this answer I searched Google for:

Pyrithione zinc hair loss

rogaine excessive use more hair loss

I hope this helps you with your questions. Should you need
clarification, please ask before rating this answer, as I would love
to be of further assistance.

Thanks for the great question!
anonymous777-ga rated this answer:4 out of 5 stars

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