In the spring of 1940, Trinity Church in Boston was host to a
performance in the Lowell Lecture Series. The program, part of the
Course in Church Music, was an illustrated lecture with this
(approximate) title: "The Newer Music and Mysticism." The conductor
was Archibald Davison, Ph.D., Professor of Choral Music, Harvard
My octogenarian mother remembers this program as some of the most
beautiful music she has ever heard in her life. She believes that the
group performing the music was the Harvard Choral Society. I would
like to help her secure a copy of the program, but I will consider
this question answered if we can obtain a list of the music performed
during that evening's lecture. Second-best would be a list of the
performing group's repertoire for that season. Thank you.
(This is a rewrite of an earlier question, unanswered and closed, in
which some details were inaccurate or incomplete. The price has also
been raised.) |