I'm running RH7.3 full installation, on a generic MB with a VIAMVP3
chipset, 550MHz AMD K-6II, using a logitech PS/2 "cordless wheel
mouse". The computer is dual booted with windows XP, in which the
problem has never occured. The problem hase come up in Gnome, KDE,
and TWM.
I don't know what magic keywords to use to describe this problem. At
what seems to be some random moment during my session, the mouse
cursor's orientation will go loony. the true hotspot resets
(consistently) about half an inch to the left of the expected hotspot
on the cursor icon. As an example, clicking on the sawfish "close
window" button as usual would cause the "minimize window" button to
engage. This makes searching the web for a solution unbelievable
aggravating. When this happens, I am suddenly able to drag the cursor
icon the same distance off the screen to the right, and I am
restricted from moving the cursor any closer than that distence to the
Eventually, again seemingly at random, the problem is somehow resolved
after another couple hours of use (if I'm willing to put up with it
that long).
Most importantly I want to know how make this problem go away and
never bother me again. I'd also like to know what action by whatever
program causes the problem. I'd like at least an idea of what process
(program) or action on my part, is causing this problem. And if it's
no real trouble (and not already answered through the first two
points), I'd like to know how force the mouse cursor to re-orient when
it does happen. I'm hoping the above is all closely related and
therefore easy to answer, but I'm willing to settle for only the first
After dozens of hours of searching, I haven't yet been able to find an
instance of this problem on the web, but I'm likely using the wrong
terminology somewhere. I can't say as I've found much to try, echoing
a reset command to /dev/mouse is the only thing I can currently
recollect. I've posted this question formatted similarly in a couple
different LUGs now. at UMBC-LUG I got the response they they came
accross the exact same problem during a recent install fest, but were
completely baffled by it.
A cold-boot is the only solution I've been able to find. A logout or
a hot-boot is not sufficient.
Linux-wise, I am at the _user_ level of proficiency, and not
accustomed to troubleshooting such problems. I am however an
inquisitive, 3rd year CS major who is not at all afraid to dive deep
into my computer. I'd merely like to have an idea of what I'm doing
while I do it. Please keep that in mind when requesting more
information or offering suggestions. |