Hello dropbox~
Indeed, you've named the three recognized classes (peasantry,
bourgeoisie, and aristocracy) in French history.
Your question has sat unanswered for a bit because so little
information on this subject is available online. However, I have
several excellent sources for you.
A superb resource is the book Worldmark encyclopedia of cultures and
daily life, edited by Timothy L. Gall. Here is a link to this book set
on Amazon:
As you can see, it's not inexpensive, but many libraries carry this
excellent series. The series covers everything you asked for in your
question: information on social classes of various parts of the world
(including France), information on what people ate, what they wore,
their pastimes, their work, their home-life, and so much more.
For a brief but interesting dialogue about the peasantry online, I
found the following:
Much of the information you'll find on this class during and just
before the Revolution will be the same during the early 19th century.
The peasants still didn't own much land, still were hungry, still were
For an article on the bourgeoisie, visit:
For a good book on the fashions of the French middle class, read
Fashioning the Bourgeoisie by Philippe Perrot & translator Richard
Bienvenu. Follow this link to see the book's listing at Barnes and
This book should be available from any book store. A good reference on
French fashion during this time period is French Fashion Plates of the
Romantic Era. It is pictures only, but show what the French brought to
their dressmakers to copy. Amazon's listing follows:
Another article that may be of interest is this Google cached piece on
post-Napoleanoic society:
Here is an article about literature and society that may also prove
A neat article on French feminism in the 19th century:
An article about ideals after the Revolution:
This site offers a wealth of information about society in the 19th
century--most of it is about the U.K., but there's some info on
France, too:
I also thought you might find this article on Balzac and French
history interesting (it also mentions Stendhal):
Keywords Used
French "19th century" society
France "19th century" society
French "social class"
French peasantry 19th century
French bourgeoisie 19th century
French aristocracy post Revolution
Good luck!
kriswrite |