Dear calamityjane,
Thanks for requesting me by name!
Google Answers is still in its formative stages, and the ability to
begin a search with a certain range of questions (rather than just
starting with the newest) would be helpful. At present, there is no
built-in feature for this.
To start a search on the page containing Questions 801 through 825,
you can use this link:
In order to reuse the link, customize it each time by replacing the
number at the end with the number of the question you want to start
with (minus one.) Unfortunately, this works only with numbers through
There's another convenient trick you can use as a "place-saver" so
that you can resume your reading at the spot where you left off. When
you're finished for the day, save the page you're on as a "favorite"
or a "bookmark" in your browser. The next time you want to visit
Google Answers, just go to your Favorites Folder and click the link.
It will take you directly to the page you last visited rather than to
the front page. If you can't find your Favorites Folder or need help
doing this, just send a clarification request, let me know what
browser you're using, and I'll try to step you through the procedure.
I love to read through the Google Answers archives myself. It's an
amazing collection of information, and it's growing every day. If you
are interested in a list of questions that have recently been
answered, this is a useful link:
Let me know if you need further assistance. I'm always glad to help
someone who wants to learn more about using Google Answers!
Best wishes,
pinkfreud |
Clarification of Answer by
04 Nov 2002 12:26 PST
Thanks for the four stars and the nice tip! You are most generous.
Regarding saving a page in your "Favorites" file...
I am using Internet Explorer Version 5.5, and will give directions
based upon this version. If your version is different, this may or may
not work. If not, tell me your version number and we'll go from there.
While you are running Internet Explorer, you will see a series of
icons (pictures) and words at the top. In my version of Explorer, the
"Favorites" choice is right between "Search" and "History."
Click on "Favorites" (with your left mouse button) and you'll have the
ability to add or organize lists of the Websites you want to re-visit.
Any time you are on a Web page to which you'd like to return, you can
save it as a "Favorite." The term "bookmarking" is often used to
describe this.
Let's say you're on the Google Answers page with Questions 801-825, as
you mentioned in your question. You move your mouse so the cursor (the
little arrow) is near the top of the screen, on top of "Favorites"
(when you do this, the color of the "Favorites" icon will change.)
Click, and the Favorites menu appears, asking whether you want to
"Add" or "Organize." Select "Add." (You don't need to worry about
"Organize" until you have acquired a lengthy list.) A box will appear
onscreen that says "Internet Explorer will add this page to your
Favorites list." Click the 'OK' button.
Now the page you selected is in your Favorites folder. To reach that
page again, go to the "Favorites" icon at the top of the screen; your
list will appear, and all you have to do to go to one of the pages on
the list is click on its name.
You can do this every time you visit Google Answers, and save a
bookmarked page each time you reach a "stopping point." You will
probably want the new bookmark to over-write the old one each time (a
box will appear to ask you whether you want to do this.)
I hope this helps! Please let me know if I am not being clear enough.
You may have noticed that we geeks sometimes assume that some things
are self-evident. It's not that we're trying to put people down, it's
just that we may have been grinding away at computers for so many
years that sometimes it's not easy to recall what it was like to be a