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Convincing references to truly error-free code methodologies
Category: Computers Asked by: doug-ga List Price: $50.00 |
03 Nov 2002 19:28 PST
Expires: 03 Dec 2002 19:28 PST Question ID: 97767 |
I've a disagreeable client. He's the CIO of a public company. I'm his software vendor. He gets very upset when his users find bugs in the software I provide him. At a meeting last week, I told him that I take every bug seriously, and will work to fix all bugs that are discovered. I also told him that I cannot guarantee bug-free code, as such a thing is impossible. He became livid at my answer. Bug-free systems are indeed possible, he claims. In fact, the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh has a program called the Capability Maturity Model that ensures against all errors in any code produced by the highest levels of the process. In his words, "zero-defect environments exist where quality is critical: they're the environment where the bomb finds the right window." I know this to be a misconception on his part, and told him so. He was insistent, claming that a local (and very large) financial institution has adopted the SEI's practices, and as a result produces systems with no bugs. His background is as CIO, and not as a software developer. I can certainly understand how, given a lack of developpment experience, a CIO might think that bug-free code is possible. But this guy got his job because he was famous as a CIO. He was even a professor within a nationally-ranked business school (top 5) of a large university. His job: teaching would-be CIOs. I would hope he would have some insight on software products and processes. On to my question: I can find many references to authorities, from Steven McConnell to Kurt Goedel, that bug-free code is not possible. Or, more accurately, that we can never be assured that our code is free of bugs. What I can't find is very convincing references to the possibility of bug-free code. Some companies profess it, some documents say we should strive for bug-free code (a dangerous sentiment in itself). But I can't find anything that doesn't have a cheesy web site or links to third-rate magazines that claims zero defects as a true possibility. What I'm looking for is some high authority on maintaining bug-free code. Someone who truly believes that a particular, real-life useful system can be free of all bugs, and that zero defects can be guaranteed. Someone that others take very seriously: perhaps he's written up in many prominent magazines, or holds a position at a university or at a very large US company. Your job as a researcher of this question: take my personal conviction zero defects cannot be guaranteed. Show me how wrong I am. | |
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Re: Convincing references to truly error-free code methodologies
Answered By: aceresearcher-ga on 18 Nov 2002 12:12 PST Rated: ![]() |
Doug, Do you think that your CIO would accept the word of Steve Cross, the Director and CEO of Carnegie Mellon's Software Engineering Institute (SEI) ( http://www.sei.cmu.edu ), which created the Capability Maturity Model? "Stephen E. Cross is the Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), a United States Department of Defense sponsored Federally Funded research and Development Center (FFRDC) situated as a college level unit at Carnegie Mellon University. He was appointed to this position on November 1, 1996. He joined the university in 1994 as a member of the research faculty. He also holds an appointment in Carnegie Mellon's School of Computer Science as a Principal Research Scientist in the Robotics Institute. Dr. Cross is the past chairman of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Information Science and Technology panel (ISAT) and continues to serve on the executive committee. He is also a member of the Naval Post Graduate School's (NPS) Software Engineering Advisory Board. He has published more than 50 papers on technology and the applications of advanced information processing technology. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, his M.S.E.E. from the Air Force Institute of Technology, and his B.S.E.E. from the University of Cincinnati. He is a graduate of the U.S. Air Force (USAF) Test Pilot School (Flight Test Engineer Program), the Air War College, and the National Defense University. He retired from the USAF in 1994. Dr. Cross was profiled in a January 4, 2002 article in the on-line version of Business Week entitled "Gurus of Tomorrow's Technology." http://www.sei.cmu.edu/staff/sc/ --------------------------------------------- From : aceresearcher To : sc@sei.cmu.edu Subject : Capability Maturity Model Date : Fri, 15 Nov 2002 16:17:51 -0500 Mr. Cross, I am in need of written verification from someone who would be considered an authority on the Capability Maturity Model (could be a co-author, co-designer, CMM support person, etc) that the Model does NOT in fact say that it is possible to create complex software that is completely bug-free. (This is to respond to someone who is insisting that the Capability Maturity Model DOES say that it is possible to create complex software that is completely bug-free.) If you would be willing to dash of 1 or 2 sentences to that effect, or to pass this e-mail on to someone who could do the dashing and reply to me, I would be MOST appreciative. THANKS VERY MUCH! --------------------------------------------- From : Steve Cross <sc@sei.cmu.edu> To : aceresearcher CC : Bill Peterson <wcp@sei.cmu.edu> Subject : Re: Capability Maturity Model Date : Sun, 17 Nov 2002 05:04:41 -0500 "You could refer the person who asked you the question to our web site (www.sei.cmu.edu) for appropriate statements. The rest of the message is my personal opinion. A model does not guarantee anything. It can only provide guidance as to what is possible. The CMMI, as the SW-CMM before it, provides an approach for an organization to define its engineering and engineering management work processes and to improve them over time. What needs to be improved should be guided by the business goals of the organization (this is more explicit via than the CMMI which replaces the SW-CMM). If that business goal is defect free software, the CMMI will help the organization move to that goal, but will not guarantee it will be achieved. We have introduced the PSP and TSP to help the individual engineering and teams of engineers to produce near defect free software. PSP and TSP provide individual and team experience in using CMM-based processes in the design and development of software. PSP and TSP are also described on our web site. Having said all this, it is our strongest position that software development organizations are better off adopting and using the CMMI than not and that individual engineers and teams should be PSP trained and use TSP in the individual work. Thanks for contacting me. Steve P.S. You and the person contacting you may want to engage with your local Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN). The list of SPINs are also listed on our web site. Many of these groups have monthly meetings and serve as defacto CMM user groups. P.S. cc'd is Bill Peterson, Program Director of the SEI process group. If you have any further questions, please contact him." --------------------------------------------- Note Mr. Cross' remarks: "A model does not guarantee anything." "If that business goal is defect free software, the CMMI will help the organization move to that goal, but will not guarantee it will be achieved." "We have introduced the PSP and TSP to help the individual engineering and teams of engineers to produce ***near defect free*** software." --------------------------------------------- "CMMI Adoption", from SEI's website: http://www.sei.cmu.edu/cmmi/adoption/adoption.html Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 (412) 268-5800 http://www.sei.cmu.edu/cgi-bin/contactus.cgi/sei-home.html?owner=webmaster Search Strategy "Carnegie Mellon" "Software Engineering Institute" "Capability Maturity Model" ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=%22Carnegie+Mellon%22+%22Software+Engineering+Institute%22+%22Capability+Maturity+Model%22&btnG=Google+Search Before Rating my Answer, if you have questions or need additional information, please post a Request for Clarification, and I will be glad to see what I can do for you. I hope this Answer provides you with exactly the information you needed! Good Luck!!! aceresearcher |
rated this answer:![]() I think this is about as good as it's going to get. Of course, this doesn't really provide me with the information I'm looking for, which is how this CIO became convinced that bug free software is truly possible. It's certainly unfair to insist upon such a clarification! By the way, this CIO is also on the faculty of Carnegie Mellon. Perplexion continues. |
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Re: Convincing references to truly error-free code methodologies
From: seizer-ga on 03 Nov 2002 19:56 PST |
I have to say, that I'm far more taken with your tale of woe, than I am with the prospect of finding what you wish. In my mind, it would seem to be oxymoronic to respect and look up to someone who held the belief that bug free software was possible, after they had undergone a thorough grounding in the topic. Good luck in convincing your client of Goedel's validity! |
Re: Convincing references to truly error-free code methodologies
From: sfernald-ga on 03 Nov 2002 20:35 PST |
The strongest case in support of defect-free software is the NASA software that controls the launching of the space shuttle. In the last three iterations of the software (each of which is roughly 420,000 lines of code) there has been exactly one error. They attribute this success to their rigid development process. This process can be summerized into four principles. 1. The product is only as good as the plan for the product. 2. The best teamwork is a healthy rivalry. 3. The database is the software base. 4. Don't just fix the mistakes -- fix whatever permitted the mistake in the first place. This shuttle software is perhaps the best example of pure defect-free software, however, it is achieved at a cost most commercial entities (and customers) are unwilling to pay. Here is a detailed article on the NASA software development process: http://www.fastcompany.com/online/06/writestuff.html For further reference, here is a listing of links on the topic of software quality control: http://www.laatuk.com/books/quality_sources.html Hope this has helped. |
Re: Convincing references to truly error-free code methodologies
From: davidmaymudes-ga on 03 Nov 2002 20:49 PST |
I don't think you need to tell him that bug-free code is impossible, just tell him that it tends to be very expensive. I don't know what business your customer is in, but unless the bugs in your code involve a relatively good chance of loss of life, most likely you don't want to use the methods NASA does. You're not going to find a mathematical proof that bug-free code is impossible, because it's not--you just test every possible way the code can be used until it all works perfectly. The problem is that any UI code tends to involve far too many possibilities for this to be done in practice. |
Re: Convincing references to truly error-free code methodologies
From: omnivorous-ga on 03 Nov 2002 20:56 PST |
Doug -- In order to provide a defect-free code base, the environment needs be tightly defined. In the world of open-architecture systems, this is an impossibility, as the environment changes with every new piece of code, every new scenario. I had the honor during the mid-1990s to work with one of the best quality organizations in the world, Motorola. Their Six Sigma efforts are well-known for the dramatic reductions in defects. Yet they despaired of every attaining Six Sigma results in software for the reasons mentioned above. For Motorola, exhaustive testing of known environments alone would have taken generations for PC-compatible software, as there are in excess of 10,000 programs that are Windows-compatible (not to mention the variations of Microsoft operating systems). To prove that it's not possible is impossible, just as it was impossible for me to prove to a Google Answers customer that this tale has no basis in fact: https://answers.google.com/answers/main?cmd=threadview&id=88400 If you can get agreement on the scale of a test plan to rule OUT bugs, perhaps you can get your customer to realize that it will consume the manpower of the state for a decade. Best regards, Omnivorous-GA |
Re: Convincing references to truly error-free code methodologies
From: mathtalk-ga on 03 Nov 2002 21:24 PST |
The issue of programmers producing "error free" code is somewhat analogous to a manufacturer having zero-defects coming off the production line. It's a bad analogy, but an analogy nonetheless. A production line is a repeatable process. The manufacturer knows that when a new process is brought online, the number of unforeseen complications will be large in the beginning, and decline over time if suitable feedback/quality assurance is done. The "theory" of zero defects is closely related to the ideas of Six Sigma quality control. Such an approach only applies to repeatable processes that are amenable to improvement. Strangely enough there are many processes in which for practical purposes, allowing for a fraction of the production to be defective makes good economic sense. The manufacturer may or may not sell product knowingly with untested defects, depending on the marketplace for that product and its competition. This is _not_ the practice of software developers writing custom software for a single client. Basically the software vendor in this circumstance is like a manufacturer constantly introducing new solutions and processes, with little or no "repeatability" in the specific tasks. The "learning from experience" that software developers do is quite a few levels of abstraction removed from what line managers, shop stewards, and machinists do to improve the defect rate in an operating process. At least that is the case with developers who keep pace with the state of the art. Since your discussions with the client touched on SEI and the CMM material, it might be instructive to point out for your own edification the relation of the upper levels of the CMM rankings and repeatable processes. You can then ask whether this has any bearing on the sort of work you do for your client. My feeling is that your client is knowingly jerking your chain. Corporate America, unfortunately, is top heavy with folks whose appeal to decision makers is not so much that they know how to get things done as that they know how to avoid embarassing their sponsors. We pat ourselves on the back for being such an open and innovative society, but the reality is that big companies are invariably hide-bound. They are unable to provide rewards to risk takers over the long run, so internal IT departments crawl to a halt with requirements planning, specifications reviews, prioritization meetings, and a host of other mechanisms to avoid taking decisions. That's why outside software suppliers like you have work. And that's not such a bad thing, is it? best wishes, mathtalk-ga |
Re: Convincing references to truly error-free code methodologies
From: gismo-ga on 04 Nov 2002 01:11 PST |
A point of view to consider: In order to provide bug free software, you must have both "Bug Free Hardware" and a "Bug Free Operating System". This is a combination I've not come across yet. So I would say it is impossible for any software vendor who relies on these to produce bug free software. |
Re: Convincing references to truly error-free code methodologies
From: ingenious-ga on 04 Nov 2002 09:55 PST |
I think you may try working a different angle. Let this CIO convince you he believes what he says, i.e. bug-free software is possible. Take into account the folowing facts: Facts of computing systems: ----------------------------- Software requires several components and runs within a changing environment. These consist of: Operating System Hardware (including software on chips Environmental influence (i.e. memory is electronic and magnetic static can change everything). Connectivity (along any journey, some data is lost and re-requested or otherwise effected by the external environment) CIO Assumption: Of the thousands of people and machines that went into creating all of the systems within his company, not one person made a single mistake and all components are free of flaws, defects and environmental pressures OR The software you were commissioned to develop must take into account the flaws in the systems under his control. Facts about people: Humans design computers systems Humans are known to be flawed Humans are dramatically effected by internal and external environmental, emotional and electro-magnetic pressures. Humans are unpredictable and have varying and diverse, although limited, capacities CIO assumtions: All of the human factors under his control are free of flaws, defects adn environmental pressures OR The software you were commisioned to develop, needs to take into account mistakes (flaws) in the human systems under his control. Therefore, this CIO has already (in essence) admitted that flaws may exist within his environment. What I might do is propose a change in your arrangement. Proposal: If the software you provides contains a single mistake, error or flaw you will provide it free fo charge given that the systems, people and environment are free of defects, errors or flaws. If the systems, people, and environment in his company are found not to be free of errors, defects or flaws you will be paid twice your quoted rate. Compromise: Given that flaws already exist within any of the systems under his control, your software will be tested reasonably and errors and patches will be tracked appropriatly and made available for review. The final software submission will be held against the Software Development Scope and Proposal and payment will be rendered based on your meeting the defined objectives provided to you when you accepted the project. Probable Result: If this CIO truly believes what he says, he will take you up on his offer. If he does not, he is basically confirming that what he wants from you is clearly impossible, even from himself within an environment already under his control. There are simply too many variables. My Point: It sounds as if anything you provide in the way of references may be discounted (based on the attitude of this person). Reverse direction and assume what he wants from you is possible. Create and envirnment and agreement that demands the same from his company and find a way to hold him accountable for it. Truth be told, no developer would ever sign-up for a zero defect development deal - as previously mentioned in this forum it would be so time cosuming and expensive that the company using the software would be broke or no longer need the software by the time it was done. |
Re: Convincing references to truly error-free code methodologies
From: al_kane-ga on 04 Nov 2002 15:43 PST |
Just a small comment... You might be interested in looking into "literate programming", which was first postulated by Donald Knuth. Literate programming is defined as "...the combination of documentation and source together in a fashion suited for reading by human beings," (quote taken from link 2 below). In other words, it allows non-techie people to get involved in the programming process because the software is coded like an English novel! In this way, bugs are easier to catch, and maybe more importantly, the responsibility of a software project may be shifted to the client (as long as the client understands English). Here are a couple links detailing 'literate programming': 1. http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/lp.html 2. http://shelob.ce.ttu.edu/daves/lpfaq/faq.html Good luck. |
Re: Convincing references to truly error-free code methodologies
From: maniac-ga on 04 Nov 2002 18:20 PST |
Hello Seizer, I would like to provide an answer to your question, but I doubt you will find one. However there is a lot of material available to improve the quality of the products you do produce (and perhaps make it possible to satisfy your customer). [1] Harlan Mills published an approach generally described as "Cleanroom" for software development. Used originally by IBM for several development projects, it was responsible for some extremely high quality software. Using "Citeseer", you can have references such as http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/context/201910/0 which provide references to several documents on line and in technical publications (e.g., IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering). For more references, try searches using phrases such as Harlan Mills Cleanroom Software [2] In addition to his books, Donald Knuth produced a text processing system called TeX (pronounced "tech") which was well regarded for its effectiveness and lack of defects. There was even a "bounty" for TeX defects which was doubled for each defect, the following reference http://truetex.com/knuthchk.htm includes a copy of a check that Knuth sent to a bug finder. As noted this year, there have been no new bugs found since 1995 and the current finder's fee is $20.48. [3] A Discipline for Software Engineering by Watts Humphrey describes a method by which individual developers can greatly improve the quality of the software they produce (to a fraction of generally produced). Here is a reference to it at Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0201546108/ref%3Dnosim/thetechnosphere/102-1928679-8874544 As one of the reviews noted, the material is quite dry - it is really intended to be a reference for a semester long course. I took the "train the trainer" course from Watts and will vouch for the effectiveness of the method. These are three references to methods (or actual products) where the defects were greatly reduced (but not eliminated). As others have noted, getting to defect free software will require a number of methods, not all of them cost effective. I hope this helps. --Mark |
Re: Convincing references to truly error-free code methodologies
From: hammer-ga on 05 Nov 2002 08:08 PST |
Doug, I took a good long look for you. Bottom line: Zero-defect software development is not suggested as a viable possiblility by anyone who is not selling something. The Carnegie-Mellon study you mention is not *really* about zero-defect software. - Hammer |
Re: Convincing references to truly error-free code methodologies
From: vorfeed-ga on 05 Nov 2002 16:46 PST |
I second Maniac's recommendation that you look at Cleanroom as a possibility. I had a wonderful college professor who wrote a text on it: Stavely, Allan M. Toward zero-defect programming. Addison-Wesley, September 1998, ISBN 0201385953. Dr. Stavely's book is written in reasonably plain language, and geared towards actual implementation of cleanroom techniques. I'd say that this book alone would allow a software team to perform cleanroom verification of real-world code. Of course, as a programmer, I'd also say that the process of cleanroom verification is only slightly less boring than watching grass grow. It does work, though - our class of about ten people was able to write useful, real-world code with very, very few errors. It's been a few years, but if I remember correctly, testing turned up 5 or so very minor bugs, in a Java program of a few thousand lines... this upon running it for the very first time, just after we finished verifying all the components. This was certainly much better than we undergrads could have done without zero-defect verification! Here's a review of the book that my boss at the university wrote: http://www.nmt.edu/~shipman/reading/stavely.html Here's a link to the book at Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0201385953/qid=1036540640/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_1/103-0058003-8141407?v=glance&n=507846 I eventually concluded that the cleanroom method outlined in the book was a little more rigorous than I cared to be when coding, but I also think that some experience with the method helped me quite a bit, and would be equally helpful to most programmers. At the very least, cleanroom gets one used to spotting code (written by oneself or others) that doesn't quite do what was intended. It also gives one some perspective on common causes of errors, reinforces useful commenting of code, and provides a framework for collaborative work amongst a group of programmers. This last is probably the most impressive aspect of the method, since in my experience collaborative work amongst programmers is about as trouble-free as collaborative work amongst cats ^__^ You might try showing this book to your client, as a form of disagreement couched in an agreeing tone. If I remember correctly, Dr. Stavely notes early on in the book that it's impossible to prove that a piece of non-trivial code is bug-free. Maybe the client would react well to a technique that admits this, but still strives to eliminate as many bugs as possible. Good luck, I hope this book will help! |
Re: Convincing references to truly error-free code methodologies
From: snapanswer-ga on 14 Nov 2002 21:13 PST |
The FastCompany article mentioned above came to mind while reading your question. It is, unfortunately, the only article that I recall on this topic. Clearly, the article shows that "zero-defect" software is possible. However, the same article shows that it is not practical. Perhaps the argument is truly over this distinction of what is possible over what is practical. You are probably familiar with the "Quality - Time - Money" development triangle. Generally, one must balance these three factors. Perhaps the next time this conversation comes up with the CIO, you can refer to "zero-defect" software as cost-prohibitive or expensive, rather than as impossible. Unless the CIO is convinced to move to a "closed system" it would be very difficult to design a cost-effective test plan that would eliminate all possible issues. |
Re: Convincing references to truly error-free code methodologies
From: nickargall-ga on 16 Nov 2002 06:33 PST |
By using the instructions in "A Discipline for Software Engineering" (by Watts S Humphrey, author of the CMM) I have written code that was defect-free and did not fail while I remained at the company I wrote it for (which was another 6 months). It's important to separate the concepts of 'defect-free' and 'failure-immune'. A defect is a failure of the programmer to meet the specification, or a fault in the specification itself. A failure occurs when the system does not meet the actual requirement of the user. Not all failures are caused by defects, and not all defects cause failures. IME, following the process in that book was very psychologically draining - I was unable to keep that level of discipline, as I did not have the full support of my boss for the annoying and time-consuming statistical and reporting aspects of it. The basic method is to write short programs (nothing more than 500 lines or so) and find out how many defects you produce per 100 lines. The number is remarkably stable. You also identify your defect re-injection rate - the rate at which you put defects in when you're testing or fixing. These numbers turned out to be surprisingly stable. You can then do testing and have a high level of confidence of how many defects are going to slip past. (It's also important to do your building in very small increments.) The schedule overhead is smaller than you might think (I'd guess around 20%), but it is about as enjoyable as forcing your own brain through a sieve. Given the cost of maintenance, it's an investment that pays off pretty quickly, if you can keep the discipline. (Read the warnings in the last chapter of the book about organizational pitfalls trying to implement the PSP, and take them very seriously.) Alternatively, explain to your customer that you are using SCRUM or Extreme Programming so that you can respond to their needs faster. PSP is more reliable, but it is less enjoyable, and doesn't give a feeling of agility (although it could be used with XP or SCRUM, just don't tell them I said that). Of course, this is much more convincing if you actually implement XP or SCRUM. |
Re: Convincing references to truly error-free code methodologies
From: alan_dershowitz-ga on 26 Nov 2002 15:06 PST |
I'm curious what development tools and software you are using. If one is working in C or C++ for example, tools are very mature and consistent, and there is a large knowledge base made up of experienced programmers. On the other hand, using Oracle daily in my job has made the differences in tools disturbingly clear. Oracle products are neither consistent nor well documented, frequently buggy, and information and debuggers of any value must be bought for large sums of money. The structure of PL/SQL doesn't lend itself to neat coding practices. A frustrating and overly complicated environment leads to more bugs, not to mention bugs in the software tools themselves. Propietary languages and tools tend to have a smaller knowledge base available for free from which to learn. Incidentally, I have a friend who works in the aviation industry. They take hours of standards training, use strict methods of design, and must submit all code to a peer-review process. Mission critical (still not bug free) software is produced, but at a rate of about 2 lines of code per man-hour. Would this be acceptable to your employer? Probably not. |
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