Good morning mc!
Uruguay's government is a constitutional republic.
You should be able to pull out some of what you need from it from the
following website.
"This article reviews major developments in the media in Argentina,
Paraguay, and Uruguay. It analyzes similarities and differences in the
evolution and present state of media industries in the three
countries. Recent policy decisions have been the catalysts for
important transformations that are rapidly changing audiovisual
Status of the media in Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay
Here's something else I found:
a. Freedom of Speech and Press
"The Constitution provides for freedom of speech and of the press, but
the authorities may abridge these rights if persons are deemed to be
inciting violence or "insulting the nation."
All elements of the political spectrum freely express their viewpoints
in both print and broadcast media. Montevideo alone has 8 daily
newspapers and 6 important weeklies; there are also approximately 100
other weekly and a few daily newspapers throughout the country.
Montevideo has one government-affiliated and three commercial
television stations. There are about 110 radio stations and 20
television stations in the country.
A 1989 law stipulates that expression and communication of thoughts
and opinions are free, within the limits contained in the
Constitution, and it outlines methods of responding to "inexact or
aggravating information." The law calls for 3 months' to 2 years'
imprisonment for "knowingly divulging false news that causes a grave
disturbance to the public peace or a grave prejudice to economic
interests of the State" or for "insulting the nation, the State, or
their powers." The authorities use this law intermittently to set and
enforce certain limits on freedom of the press.
Human rights activists and journalists have alleged that state
enterprises such as the telephone and electric companies on occasion
have withheld advertising from independent media that are critical of
the Government and have favored media friendly to the Government with
extensive paid advertising."
1999 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - Uruguay
Just a brief reference here:
"In a recent study of Uruguay, Faroque Barone argues that, there,
tight anti-competitive practices among the owners of the dominantly
private press helped block the development of a public forum. Not only
are there few owners, and not only do agreements among them control
the limits of the news, but, he claims, these owners are closely tied
to the government. Furthermore, the state-financed public service
broadcasting sector is disadvantaged vis-a-vis its stronger private
competitors in funding, program scheduling, and access to high-quality
programming. Public service broadcasting in Uruguay thus remains too
weak to adequately complement the offerings of the private sector.
Chapter 2: Structures of the Media and the Enabling Environment
Good luck with your paper, eh?
revbrenda1st |