Looking at the questions youve asked, it looks like youre interested
in the Personal Care & Household Cleaning Products industry and in
this situation youre looking for information about worldwide
production of laundry detergent. I took your question to mean that you
are interested in the market size of this industry segment.
Hoovers Industry Profile -- Personal Care & Household Cleaning
Products http://www.hoovers.com/industry/snapshot/0,2204,24,00.html
The Industry Lowdown gave me an overview of the major players.
Associations & Organizations led me to a couple of useful
A.I.S.E. (International Association for Soaps, Detergents and
Maintenance Products)
This site eventually linked to some information about market size.
The Soap and Detergent Association
This organization represents North American manufacturers of
household, industrial and institutional cleaning products. Most of the
information is aimed at consumers.
The Selected Resources led to a very interesting and helpful site.
HAPPI Magazine is published monthly and covers soaps, detergents,
cosmetics & toiletries, waxes and polishes, insecticides, aerosols and
related chemical specialties. Check out the Resources for list of
Trade Associations, Scientific Links and more. The Article Library was
very helpful.
The Laundry Detergent Market from the January 2002 issue gives a very
interesting review of the current US market size. It discusses the
comparative standing of liquids and powders and reviews the emergence
of tablets and teas.
None of these articles gave specific information about production
volume. With further digging it became apparent that there is a lot of
market research available for this industry, but most of it is very
This site provides a collection of 50,000+ publications from over 350
leading research firms.
Business Communications Company, Inc.
C-090R Surfactants and Chemicals for the Detergent Industry
This is a 133 page Market Research report published November 1998. The
full report costs $2,950.00 and is available in hard copy or as a
downloaded as a pdf file. It has a very comprehensive table of
contents and specific sections are available for purchase for $30
Further digging located some specific market information.
Batelle World Detergent Program Market Study
A brief capsule of this market study indicates that the world's
washing industry represented a more than $ 60 billion market in 2000.
It encompasses household, maintenance, industrial and institutional
cleaning products; the ingredients used in cleaning products; and
finished packaging.
European Eco-label Report
This document contains a Market Review section that shows the
following figures for consumption of laundry detergents in Europe for
the year 2000 in tons/year.
Powders 2,600,000
Liquids 640,000
Auxiliary Products 93,000
Fabric Rinse Prod 950,000
European Committee for Standardization
Market, environment and objectives of CEN/TC 276-Surface active
as approved by resolution BTC 120/1999
This position paper discusses the structure of the market and provides
some quantitative information. The world market for surface active
agents (excluding soap) is about more than 5 million tons, about 2
million tons of which in Europe. Household washing and cleaning
products represented about more than 800 000 tons in Europe and
institutional washing products more than 70 000 tons i.e. a total of
more than 870 000 tons ,or 51% of the total tonnage of surface active
agents consumed in Europe.
I hope this information will give you what you need for exploring the
worldwide laundry detergent market.
czh |