Hello Marketguy,
I've compiled a list of European airports, their websites, and (where
available) the name and e-mail address of the airport director. Many
of the European airports did not have English pages. Fortunately, Im
fluent in German and can find my way around passably in French, Dutch
and Italian. It certainly made the project very interesting!
In some countries, several airports are owned by a single company, and
all inquiries must be directed to that company (for instance, all of
Norway, most of Spain, and parts of the UK). I've confirmed this by
telephone. Many airports within a given country will have identical
contact information this is because these airports are all overseen
by a single central authority. Aviation regulations vary by country.
In a majority of cases, all e-mail is routed through a general e-mail
address - to contact directors of those airports, you need to put
"Attention Director" in the subject line. (A brief conversation with
the director of our local airport revealed that this is common
practice, to prevent airport directors from being inundated with
In still other cases, the airports' webpages are still under
construction, so no e-mail is available (all of Greece, for example).
Contact information for these airports can be had by contacting the
webmasters - I've made note where applicable. General aviation
airfields have been omitted. Alternate contact information has been
provided where no e-mail address is available.
My source list was :
Airports of Europe
There are 465 airports with contact information included in the 40
page Word document (zipped below). Each airports page was
individually checked for contact information.
I hope this information is helpful to you. Good luck with your
Search terms: [ airports Europe ] |