Hello vcb:
Thank you for the interesting question!
Before I get into answering your questions, please understand that we
Researchers at Google Answers are not trained medical or psychiatric
professionals. While I understand your wanting to find techniques to
help you recover painful lost memories, I would still caution against
going too deep into such treatment without professional consultation.
That said, I will tell you what I found.
The retrieval of repressed memories, often call Recovered Memory
Therapy (RMT), is a hotly contested practice that has many believers
and disbelievers.
It is UP TO YOU to decide whether or not you believe in RMT - it is
not for me to say one way or the other. A good book to read if you
want to see the critical side of the argument is:
"The Myth of Repressed Memory: False Memories and Allegations of
Sexual Abuse"
by Elizabeth Loftus, Katherine Ketcham
URL: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0312141238/qid=1036548661/sr=1-3/ref=sr_1_3/002-1562954-6608023?v=glance
Having said that, the syndrome of repressed memories is known by many
other names, including:
* amnesia
* betrayal trauma
* biological protective processes
* cognitive gating
* directed forgetting
* dissociation
* dissociative amnesia
* motivated forgetting
* retrieval inhibition
* retroactive inhibition
* self-induced hypnotic trance states
* suggestion
* thought suppression
There are many different techniques that are used to try to bring back
memories that have been blocked by an individual. Many of these
techniques, while embraced by RMT therapists, are scoffed at by groups
of scientists and doctors. I have listed these techniques below as
well as informative links and quotes for each technique (both in favor
and against). As far as which of these techniques you can use "on your
own", I have provided what information I could find on self-help
techniques/programs/aids. These links are not intended to be
recommendations from me. Please exercise caution and a helathy dose of
skepticism in any of these products/techniques you choose to use.
Hypnosis - Controversial Again
URL: http://www.rickross.com/reference/false_memories/fsm25.html
Quote: "Initially, there was formalized training for handling
"repressed memories." Treatment protocol came from therapeutic
interventions with clients who had either always remembered their
childhood sexual abuse or their memory returned unsolicited at a later
point in time. The popular self-help book "Courage to Heal" with its
infamous quotation of "if you think you were sexual abused, you
probably were" set the stage for the condition of sexual abuse
URL: http://www.shpm.com/qa/qahyp/qahyp3.html
Quote: "While no one refutes the idea that some people are able to
recover lost memories during an hypnotic encounter, the questions
arise with regard to the quality and usefulness of the recovered
material. The therapeutic issue here is whether or not these recovered
memories can be sucessfully integrated into the conscious ego
structure of the subject (person recovering the memory under
hypnosis). Simply recovering repressed memories is not enough. In
fact, recovering repressed material without adequate therapeutic
presentation and integration can do more harm than good."
Forensic Hypnosis for Memory Enhancement
URL: http://www.crimelibrary.com/forensics/hypnosis/index.htm
On your Own:
The Art of Self-Hypnosis
Self-Hypnosis for Life: Mind, Body & Spiritual Excellence
Hypnosis and self hypnosis in healing
Free Association
Psychoanalysis & Sigmund Freud
URL: http://skepdic.com/psychoan.html
Quote: "The most fundamental concept of psychoanalysis is the notion
of the unconscious mind as a reservoir for repressed memories of
traumatic events which continuously influence conscious thought and
behavior. The scientific evidence for this notion of unconscious
repression is lacking, though there is ample evidence that conscious
thought and behavior are influenced by unconscious memories."
Are some therapists guilty of bringing out false "repressed memories"
of sexual abuse in patients?
URL: http://csce.unl.edu/~mbeerman/psych97-1/eckstein.html
Quote: "Through many cases, therapist have used psychotherapy to
recover information from the patient. Through careful analysis and
suggestion, therapists can sometime find 'repressed memories' or
memories that have been for some reason or another forgotten. In some
cases, this is a tremendous accomplishment that has helped save lives.
However, with the media frenzy surrounding sexual abuse, psychiatrists
may be too quick in deciding patient's traumas are indeed linked to
sexual abuse. If this happens, psychiatrists could influence patients
so much to believing that they were sexually abused, that patients may
invent a memory of abuse(Loftus 1991)."
Relaxation Training/Biofeedback
EEG Biofeedback Training for Chronic Pain
URL: http://www.eegspectrum.com/Applications/ChronicPain/IntroChronicPain/
Quote: "Frequently, persons undergoing the EEG training for chronic
pain will, after a few sessions, experience vivid recollections of
long-suppressed traumatic memories. This occurs with such regularity
that we always encourage persons undergoing the EEG training for
chronic pain to undergo concurrent therapy as well, in order to deal
with what comes up. In the larger view, then, the remediation we
effect may involve dealing comprehensively with the larger, underlying
issues which manifest in chronic pain and in depression."
URL: http://mentalhelp.net/psyhelp/chap5/chap5m.htm
On Your Own:
Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Lesson 1
Shopping: Health: Alternative: Biofeedback
Guided Imagery and Visualizations
What is Guided Imagery?
URL: http://www.guidedimageryinc.com/guided.html
Quote: "Guided imagery is a mind-body intervention aimed at easing
stress, and promoting a sense of peace and tranquility at a stressful
or difficult time in someone's life. It is a process of incorporating
the "power of the mind" to assist the body to heal, maintain health or
relax by way of an inner communication involving all senses, (i.e.
visual, touch, smell, sight, sound). It forms a balance between the
mind, body and spirit."
Guided Imagery Hypnosis
URL: http://www.jonnioconnor.com/sessions/guided_imagery.shtml
Quote: "Some people do guided imagery work in their subconscious mind,
and some people instead find memories."
URL: http://www.medicomm.net/Consumer%20Site/am/guided_imaginary.htm
Quote: "If you ever experience disturbing images or memories during a
session, you may also wish to discuss the experience with a trained
On Your Own:
Guided Imagery CDs
Welcome to the Self-Healing Tools and Information Page!
Projective Drawing Art Therapy
Art Therapy Conference - Rachel Lev-Weisel
URL: http://www.latrobe.edu.au/publichealth/art_therapy/march2000.html#2
Quote: "The presented pilot study was an attempt to compare selective
indicators of human figure drawings between two groups of adults, the
survivors of sexual abuse and those who were not sexually abused. The
indicators were selected according to clinical experience as well as
previous studies pointing out indicators in human figure drawings that
suggest stress, anxiety, depression, and relationship difficulties."
Projective Drawing, ISB, and TAT Notes
URL: http://www.psychpage.com/projective/tat_notes.htm
Quote: "Projective tests are based partially on Freudian ideas of
projection. Freud thought we project parts of ourselves we can't
accept onto objects or people. It's a way to expel parts of us we
can't handle but still deal with them. He thought you were, by
definition, unconscious of the process."
Dream Therapy
Lucid Dream Therapy As A Treatment For Post Traumatic Stress Disorder:
The Stigma Surrounding Dreams
URL: http://www.sawka.com/spiritwatch/mackean.htm
Quote: "Even though disturbing dreams are said to be a symptom of post
traumatic stress disorder, the treatment is non-dream oriented. This
is logical because physical problems can be treated in non-physical
ways and vice versa. What is illogical is that dream oriented
treatment is not considered. This could be simply an oversight, but it
could also be an indicator of the aforementioned stigma surrounding
dreams. Dream therapy is not a new phenomenon but it seems unfortunate
that it is popular within only select circles or therapists. Lucid
dreams could be an important tool for the recovery of post traumatic
victims and it is unfortunate that a stigma could be the preventing
factor surrounding this type of therapy."
Dream therapy & alternative psychology
URL: http://ma.essortment.com/dreamstherapya_rfrf.htm
Quote: "When the term "dream therapy" pops up, one more than likely
thinks it is the practice of having your dreams interpreted for you.
This is hardly the case. Rather than having your dreams interpreted by
someone else, which is just short of fortune telling, dream therapy is
the process by which you learn to decipher your own dreams which may,
in turn, help you to overcome your fears or emotional dilemmas."
On Your Own:
Dream Therapy
Age Regression
Hypnosis - Controversial Again
URL: http://www.rickross.com/reference/false_memories/fsm25.html
Quote: "When age regression is used to recover "repressed" memory, the
intent has been to move beyond the denial state and recover those
memories that will validate the childhood sexual experience. Current
statistical reports verify the extensiveness of contemporary child
physical and sexual abuse, but records or corroboration of incidents
from 20, 30, and 40 years ago are almost nonexistent. Therefore, the
reliance of confrontation and hypnotic age regression became of
paramount importance to many therapists wanting to access these
"repressed" memories."
Age Regression
URL: http://www.hypnos.co.uk/hypnomag/weltman.htm
Quote: "Age regression is a therapeutic technique that, while fairly
simple to initiate, is at the same time complex in its consequences
and exceptionally rich in its potential benefits for the client. The
search for insights, therapeutic opportunities, healing, and growth
would do well to begin with the resources of this life, rather than
'hop scotching' right past them, as so often seems to be the case at
present. Further, age regression is not only an invaluable technique
in and of itself, but lays a foundation upon which past life
regression, if indicated or desired, can be pursued both more easily
and more successfully."
On Your Own:
Hypnosis Books and Multimedia
Hypnosis Tapes:
Past Life Regression Therapy
past life regression
URL: http://skepdic.com/pastlife.html
Quote: "Past life regression (PLR) is the alleged journeying into
one's past lives while hypnotized. While it is true that many patients
recall past lives, it is highly probable that their memories are false
memories. The memories are from experiences in this life, pure
products of the imagination, intentional or unintentional suggestions
from the hypnotist, or confabulations."
Regressions and Progressions
URL: http://calmness.com/pastlife.htm
"Age Regression is the process of going back to a previous time in
your current life, often discovering repressed memories that affect
your subconscious actions and reactions. Past Life Regression is Age
Regression taken further, back to a previous life..."
"Truth Serum"
Truth and reconciliation
URL: http://www.salon.com/books/feature/2002/05/22/davis/
Quote: "Later -- even decades later -- with the help of psychoanalytic
techniques like hypnosis, sodium Amytal ('truth serum') and 'guided
imagery' -- which also dramatically increase suggestibility and
encourage fragmentary states of consciousness -- people can recall the
repressed events with perfect clarity. The overarching idea is that
once people have recovered these hidden traumas and exposed them to
their conscious minds, their psychological difficulties will be
URL: http://www.accused.com/authors/ArticlePiper001.html
Quote: "The literature on Amytal interviews from 1930 to late 1993 was
reviewed. Twelve studies examined patients' abilities to tell the
truth while under the influence of the drug. None of these research
reports endorsed using Amytal as a "truth serum". Instead, they noted
deficiencies of the procedure that destroy the ability to accurately
relate past events."
Automatic Writing
Beware Of False Memories: Revised
URL: http://www.rickross.com/reference/false_memories/fsm24.html
"Recovered Memory Therapists use automatic writing or journal writing
to help their clients recover memories. The client is encouraged to
just began to write down anything that comes to mind without concern
for sentence structure. While the client thinks of insect, she is to
write down anything that comes to mind while they think of incest.
Another use of automatic writing is to just write down a story of
insect concerning the client without concern for it being real or
imagined. The client is to write the story as quickly as possible.
Fredrickson states "The unconscious can be relied on to select
traumatic incidents from your past for most or all of the 'story'
since it is easier to rely on experience rather than imagination when
you do something quickly." The use of these techniques suggest that
memories are there and they are just waiting for the right time to
come up, but are they real or false?"
automatic writing (trance writing)
URL: http://skepdic.com/autowrite.html
Quote: "Automatic writing is writing allegedly directed by a spirit or
by the unconscious mind. It is sometimes called "trance" writing
because it is done quickly and without judgment, writing whatever
comes to mind, "without consciousness," as if in a trance. It is
believed that this allows one to tap into the subconscious mind where
"the true self" dwells. Uninhibited by the conscious mind, deep and
mystical thoughts can be accessed. Trance writing is also used by some
psychotherapists who think it is a quick way to release repressed
memories. There is no scientific evidence that trance writing has any
therapeutic value."
On Your Own:
Automatic Writing
How to Practice Automatic Writing
Automatic Writing
Flooding and Venting Feelings
URL: http://mentalhelp.net/psyhelp/chap5/chap5m.htm
"Flooding and venting feelings --experiencing and releasing intense
emotions is thought to be beneficial in a variety of ways. First of
all, Freud sought intense emotional reactions in therapy, called
abreactions. These repressed memories usually involved very painful
early childhood experiences. The patient would relive these
experiences and as a result gain insight into the source of his/her
current problems. With this new understanding, the fear, neurotic
behavior, or psychosomatic complaint will go away, supposedly. Primal
therapy, which uncovers the hurts of birth and early childhood, is
based on the same assumptions. The newer therapies by John Bradshaw
and others, which reclaim and nurture the hurt inner child, also
relive the disappointments of childhood. In a sense, like
desensitization, this is confronting the inner sources of fears and
traumas, usually from childhood and often well repressed (see the end
of this list)."
Participation in a Mutual Support, Self-Help Group
URL: http://www.religioustolerance.org/rmt_wha.htm
Quote: "Although most memories are recovered after extensive
counseling with a therapist, some individuals have recovered memories
outside of formal therapy. Frequently, self-help books like The
Courage to Heal are involved. The techniques are the same; they are
simply self-administered. Mutual support group for survivors of sexual
abuse are another environment in which memories are often recovered."
the study of self-help books
Combinations of Techniques
In many cases, the techniques above are used in combination.
"Often multiple techniques are used to recover memories. A therapists
may give an individual recovered memory therapy, may suggest that they
join a support group, and that they read and follow a self-help book."
From: http://www.religioustolerance.org/rmt_tec.htm
I hope this information is of help to you. Please remember to always
use your best judgment when delving into your psyche! :-)
If you need any clarification of the information I have provided,
please ask using the Clarification feature and provide me with
additional details as to what you are looking for. As well, please
allow me to provide you with clarification(s) *before* you rate this
Thank you.
Search Strategies (on Google):
"repressed memories"
"repressed memories" techniques
hypnosis "repressed memories"
self hypnosis memories
"relaxation training" "repressed memories"
biofeedback tapes
"guided imagery" memories
"projective drawing" therapy memories
"dream therapy"
"dream therapy" books
"age regression"
"age regression" tapes
"truth serum" "repressed memories"
"automatic writing" "repressed memories"
"flooding and venting" "repressed memories"
support group "repressed memories" |