Thank you for your interesting question. This claw-hand condition must
be very painful for you, and I urge you to see your primary care
physician about this. In my answer are potential causes of what is
happening to your hands, but the information is only thatinformation.
The fact that I have included as many causes as I found in no way
implies that you have or could have any of the named diseases. To
adequately diagnose and properly treat your hand condition, you need
to visit your doctor.
From your description, it sounds like you may be suffering
contractures. Contractures are a shortening of your muscles or
tendons, which causes a distortion in the shape of your hands.
(Contractures can occur elsewhere in the body as well). Generally, as
we move our muscled, through normal body movement, our muscles
contract and expand. For whatever reason, a contraction occurs when
the muscle contracts, but does not release. Contractures appear to be
a permanent condition.
The contractures then deform your hand into the claw-hand form you
describe. Clawhand can be acquired (from other disease processes, such
as muscular dystrophy) or congenital, meaning you can be born with
this condition. By your description, I can assume this is a relatively
new condition for you.
As with many things, exercise is the best therapy for contractures. A
form of therapy is the use of orthotics, such as splints or braces.
Orthotic devices can help keep the joints extended.
If this condition is virtually painless, it could be Dupuytres
contractures. This disease often presents in middle-aged women, of
European descent. Your doctor will be able to distinguish is and what
kind of contractures you have. Do you have lumps or dimples under the
skin on your palms? Custom splints, massage and/or surgery can
alleviate the symptoms.
Another form of hand contractures, more commonly seen in children is
Volkmanns contractures. Symptoms can include burning pain, weakness
or paralysis in hand and can come about from impaired circulation
following an elbow injury or improper application of a tourniquet
Arthritis can also cause contractures. This site has a small picture
of an x-ray of arthritic hands.
Rarely Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease can cause claw-hand
Even rarer, Hurlers Disease can cause claw-hand
Another very rare cause is leprosy:
Scleroderma is know to cause claw-hand
Probably not true in your case, but tetanus can cause claw-hand.
This website features different types of splints that may bring relief
to your hands. Before purchasing any of these devices, please discuss
them, along with exercise and drug therapy with your doctor.
From Medline Pluss site, an illustration of clawhand of the first
and second finger.
bettejane, as you can see, the possible causes of your symptoms are
numerous. Id like to see you get to the root cause as well as some
physical therapy by visiting your doctor! As far as your spinal
surgery being the cause, it may be a swollen or compressed
nerve...something only your doctor can verify!
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