Hi donphiltrodt,
Well, it has been quite a challenge trying to find protein supplements
which do not contain additional vitamins, minerals and other
ingredients, but following is my "best buy" of a product which I
believe meets all of your requirements (#1). Not only does Global
Netrition offer discounts for bulk orders, their website seems more
professional than many that I visited, with full contact info, product
details, guarantee, secure ordering and privacy statement.
EAS SimplyProtein Complete Whey: 5 lbs $29.99: Protein 21g per
Ingredients: Protein Blend (Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein
Isolate), Natural and Artificial Flavors, Lecithin, and Acesulfame
"There are various types of protein sources available to you. Protein
powders are popping up everywhere, but what's really in these
products? Most of them contain whey protein, but some incorporate
fillers like maltodextrin, which adds carbs, and other protein sources
like calcium caseinate or milk protein isolate, Although these other
protein sources are high quality, they do not offer the same benefits
unique to whey protein. That is why EAS has developed SimplyProtein
Complete Whey, an economical, high-quality, protein powder made with
100% whey protein."
Global Netrition Special Offers:
Free Shipping for orders over $100: Coupon name: FREESHIP
Or, Save 5% on all orders over $200: Coupon name: SAVE5
2. Another possibility at GLOBAL NETRITION:
ProLab Pure Whey Powder 5 pounds $29.95 Proteins (g) 22
Ingredient Details:
Protein Blend [whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate
(includes all protein fractions), glutamine peptides], taurine,
maltodextrin, natural & artificial flavors, lecithin, acesulfame
potassium, stevia.
Here are some more but the list of ingredients get longer:
3. Champion Nutrition Pure Whey Protein Stack 5lb: $29.95: Protein 26g
per serving
Micro-filtered and ion-exchange whey protein concentrate and isolate,
whey peptides, glycine, natural and artificial flavoring,
4. Designer Protein: 2lbs: $24.99: free shipping over $100: Protein
18.5g per serving
Ingredients: APT-Full Spectrum Whey Peptides,[modified molecular
weight and partially pre-digested (hydrolyzed) Whey Protein
Concentrate (inc-14% glycomacropeptides {MW- 6,7000 D}, Whey Glutamine
Peptides, Glutasynth, Natural Vanilla Flavor WONF, Lecithin, Citric
Acid, ZMAX, Cellulose Gum, Xanthan Gum, Sodium Alginate, Sodium
Chloride, Stevia, Annatto, Natural Vitamin E, Lactoperoxidase.
5. 100% Whey Protein: 25 lbs $149.95: Protein: 22g per serving:
Free shipping till April 18th: coupon code: free
Ingredients: QuadPlex Protein Blend (Ultrafiltered Whey Protein
Concentrate, Cross Flow Microfiltration Whey Protein Isolate, Ion
Exchange Whey Protein Isolate [All Three Sources Contain
Concentrations of ?Lactoglobulin, alpha-Lactalbumen, Bovine Serum
Albumen, Immunoglbulins, Glycomacropeptides, Lactoferrin,
Lactoperoxidase, Glycomacropeptides, Lactoferrin, Lactoperoxidase,
other closely related Protein Molecules and Glutamine Peptides], Low
Molecular Weight and Partially Hydrolyzed Whey Peptides), Artificial
Flavor, Acesulfame Potassium, FD and C Red #40.
Additional Link:
Protein Finder:
"Use Our Protein Search Utility To Find
The Protein You Need In Only A Few Seconds!"
I hope this helps. If you have any questions or if this hasn't
satisfied your request, please post a clarification request before
rating my answer.
Thank you,
Terms Used:
"protein supplement"
"no soy"
"protein powder"
whey |
Clarification of Answer by
17 Apr 2003 08:53 PDT
Hi donphiltrodt,
The short answer to your answer clarification request is "cost". Your
original question indicated you were concerned with the vitamin
content of the product and the cost, so that is how I conducted my
research. I soon learned that egg protein supplements cost more than
whey protein (in some cases twice as much) and so whey is the path I
took. In fact, I did search for an unbiased online explanation of
protein supplements but it alluded me. However, this morning I found
an excellent description of the different types of supplements and how
they work.
Protein Propaganda: Deciphering Fact from Fiction
As you will see, there is alot to think about while choosing a protein
supplement and it all depends on your personal physical make-up, your
goals, protein quality and your ability to pay. As with most things,
"most expensive" doesn't necessarily mean "best" and it will be up to
you to determine exactly what fits into your overall plan/budget.
I wish I had found the above site while I was researching your
question, as it includes a handy formula for figuring out the
percentage of protein per serving: "divide the protein found in each
serving by the serving size and multiply by 100". Consequently, I've
done the math (see below) for the five products I sent you earlier.
Another whey product at Global Netrition:
100 Whey Protein: 10 lbs $59.95 Proteins (g) 22 per serving
22 g of protein per serving ÷ 28.4 g serving size x 100 = 77.5%
(160) = .38 per (- discount) per serving.
QuadPlex Protein Blend (Ultrafiltered Whey Protein Concentrate, Cross
Flow Microfiltration Whey Protein Isolate, Ion Exchange Whey Protein
Isolate [all three sources contain concentrations of b-lactoglobulin,
a-lactalbumen, bovine serum albumen, immunoglobulins,
glycomacropeptides, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, other closely
related protein molecules and glutamine peptides], Low Molecular
Weight and Partially Hydrolyzed Whey Peptides), Cocoa, Artificial
Flavor, Acesulfame Potassium.
1. Universal Nutrition Egg Protein: 2lbs $24.95 Proteins (g): 20 per
22 g of protein per serving ÷ 28.4 g serving size x 100 = 77.5%
(30) = .83 per serving (- discount) per serving.
Ingredients: Dried egg white albumin, dextrose, bromelain, papain,
vanilla flavoring.
2. Egg Pro Ultra (vanilla) 2lb $22.95 Protein 22g per serving
22 g of protein per serving ÷ 28.35 g serving size x 100 = 77.6%
(32) = .72 per serving (- discount) per serving.
The cost per serving of the five supplements listed in my answer,
including the percentage of protein:
21 g of protein per serving ÷ 28 g serving size x 100 = 75% protein.
(80) servings = $.38 (- discount) per serving.
22 g of protein per serving ÷ 32 g serving size x 100 = 68.75%
(71) servings = $.42 (- discount) per serving.
26 g of protein per serving ÷ 32 g serving size x 100 = 81.25%
(57) servings = $.53 per serving.
18.5 g of protein per serving ÷ 24 g serving size x 100 = 77.08%
(40) servings = $.63 per serving.
22 g of protein per serving ÷ 28 g serving size x 100 = 78.57%
(80) servings = $.39 per serving.
So there you have it - as with most subjects, this one is a bit more
complicated than first meets the eye. I hope I have been able to make
things clearer for you rather than muddy the waters. I think the
first step for you is to learn about the various types of protein and
decide which one suits your needs the best. Once you have decided
which one you want to consume, you will be able to do a product search
on Google and Froogle to search for the best buy. Perhaps you will be
able to strike a deal with your local pharmacy and thus save on
Please get back in touch if you need further clarification. I haven't
read the following guide (pdf docs take forever to load on my
computer), but perhaps it will be helpful:
Protein: Muscle Building Blocks