This part of your question, in particular, made me want to answer:
"- Is this has something to do with my childhood (e.g., kids who are
not allowed to express their feelings supress their desires, that they
dont know about it to themselves?) Would feeling of unloved and/or
unwanted (perceived or real) might affect it? Does belief system has
something to do with it?"
As someone who worked in the field of mental health for 20+ years,
I can certainly confirm your thoughts here. Additionally, I am
a graduate and teacher of a course called AvatarŪ, which is a
self-development course built on the concept that your beliefs
create your experiences, while most of us operate under the
principle that our experiences create our beliefs. Certainly our
childhood experiences can instill a huge number of beliefs,
many of which are so taken-for-granted that in Avatar, they are
called 'transparent beliefs'. Fortunately, we are capable of
discovering, exploring and examining these beliefs to determine
if they are creating the experience we would prefer to have.
If they are not, the tools learned in AvatarŪ allow one to
easily change them.
The entire course is delivered in 3 sections, and confers the
ability to create and discreate beliefs at will. However, you
can explore a great deal about yourself and your beliefs by
taking only Section I of the course, called ReSurfacing.
Additionally, you can obtain the materials for this part of the
course at a minimal cost. The AvatarŪ website is here:
The materials for Section I of the course are the book
'Living Deliberately', by Harry Palmer, the author of the
AvatarŪ course, and the workbook 'ReSurfacing'. They cost
$15 each, or you can obtain them both by ordering the
'Power Package' for $25, from this page:
Another option would be to purchase the ReSurfacing workbook
for $15, and download the free .pdf file of the book
'Living Deliberately' from the link on this page:
You can explore these materials without taking Section I
of the course. After doing so, you may choose to take
the ReSurfacing workshop with a group, as you may find
this allows for more energy and insight in the process.
In addition to exploring the effect which your beliefs have
on your experiences, Exercise 27 (of 30) from ReSurfacing
specifically addresses how to determine 'right-for-you',
or RFY goals. This page from the website of Avatar masters
Bob West and Debbie Jamieson (an Avatar master is someone
licensed to deliver the course), quotes the text of the
chapter in ReSurfacing which introduces the RFY Goal Setting
"Setting a Right-For-You Goal (RFY goal) is done by using
your best reasoning liberally seasoned with your intuition.
It is reasonable, because you sincerely feel you can achieve
it. It is intuitive, because it feels right. An RFY goal
excites you when you think about it. It empowers you. It
brings you to life. It sizzles! It provides you with the
creative energy for its own attainment plus a little extra.
Just imagining what it would feel like to achieve the RFY
goal will tap into the courage and determination to
accomplish it."
"If you wonder if your chosen goals are RFY goals, notice
how you feel when you pursue them. Activity spent in the
pursuit of an RFY goal is enjoyable and absorbing. Time
is forgotten. Work is pleasurable. The pursuit of an RFY
goal is its own reward."
"A non-RFY goal is something you "have to" do while waiting
to get to what you want to do. You become exhausted and
time drags. Work is grueling. The payoff for pursuing a
non-RFY goal is stress."
More on the page:
The Goal Setting exercise itself is available in full
on the AvatarOverdrive website. This is a reprint of
a copy of the exercise which was published in the
Avatar Journal, a free quarterly publication of
Stars Edge International, the company which oversees
Avatar and its delivery:
Exercise 27: Goal Setting
OBJECTIVE: To determine a Right-For-You Goal.
EXPECTED RESULT: A life plan that you can begin to follow
The Avatar Journal is being archived on both the
Stars Edge site and the AvatarOverdrive site:
...and you can explore many other exercises from
ReSurfacing which have been printed in the Journal,
as well as some very insightful and inspiring articles
by Harry Palmer and other Avatar graduates.
For example, here's an article from the archived Journals
by a master named Geofff Love, which outlines how he
utilizes his awareness regarding how beliefs affect
experience in his other vocation as a pro tennis coach:
"After eliminating the beliefs that were acting as a barrier
to her succeeding, we worked on her technique. Then more
beliefs about her technique came to the surface. " I can't
do that," she continued. "I can't change sides that well."
Was she explaining about her experience or was the experience
created by her beliefs? "
"In the next moment she hit the key belief, "I don't like to
keep score," she said. 'I don't like goal setting!'"
"Now she is aware that what she believes does affect her
playing ability.
As Harry says in the book Love Precious Humanity, 'Don't
let who you are being get in the way of who you might
More on the page:
You can obtain a free subscription to the Journal here:
If you decide to go ahead and take the ReSurfacing workshop,
or the entire AvatarŪ Course, you can locate a master in
your area from this page on the Stars Edge website:
To get started, read the page on RFY goals:
Then print out Exercise 27 from the ReSurfacing Workbook:
Set aside a fair amount of time to spend with the exercise,
and have fun with it. By all means, pay close attention to
your feelings as you explore potential goals.
Please do not rate this answer until you are satisfied that
the answer cannot be improved upon by means of a dialog
established through the "Request for Clarification" process.
Searches done, via Google:
avatar "goal setting
avatar "right for you goals
:// |
Clarification of Answer by
18 Jul 2003 18:39 PDT
I must admit I'm confused that you mention the helpfulness of
nottooea-ga's comment, yet state you are not satisfied with my
answer, which includes the Right-For-You Goal Setting Exercise
from ReSurfacing, which contains the same concept of looking
first at short-term goals:
1. What do you want to achieve in the next year?
2. What do you want to own by the end of next year?
3. What would you like to do by the end of next year?
4. What excites you most?
5. What would you have to become to become to do what you want?
6. Where would you like to be in two years?
7. Where would you like to be in five years?
8.Where would you like to be in ten years?
9. Where would you like to be in twenty years?
10. Where would you like to be in fifty years?
Also, since I've provided you with a perfectly useful
answer to the question in your question's heading, which
is considerably more extensive than a $5 question calls
for, I would respectfully suggest that you might be
better served by asking a separate question on your
current topic.
Google Answers pricing guidelines are discussed here:
On the other hand, if you simply aren't interested in
the answer I've provided, I can request the editors
to remove it, which will clear this question for
others to answer. If this is done, your current
clarification will be removed along with the answer,
so you might want to add it back after the fact, so
that other researchers will be better able than I
was to discern your actual interest in asking the
I am personally not interested in (additionally)
researching the existence of stories of people
who knew what they wanted to do from a very young
age, since I don't believe these will assist anyone
who hasn't had that experience to arrive at their
own goals, whereas the suggestions I provided will
certainly do so.
Let me know your wishes, in light of the above.