Narrative --
As you're probably aware, a search using:
"Alexander Stephens" + Savannah
turns up about 400 links. Several refer to the crowd at the
Athenaeum, so you could get a good estimate of how many were present:
I'd strongly suggest looking in two places:
* academic and semi-private databases (Infotrac, Expanded Academic
ASAP, Proquest Historical newspapers). These are general available
online at major libraries. I checked the Proquest New York Times
index and it doesn't have a mention of the speech in March -- though
it may have appeared later. Note that Proquest has recently finished
its indexing of the Washington Post.
* combing microfilm and other archives of leading newspapers of the
time, particularly in the south.
As you implement this search, a suggestion is to use the "Savannah
Republican" as a search term. Newspapers during this era shared
reports of major events widely without copyright implications. When
they did, they generally credited the original source in the byline.
Good luck,
Omnivorous-GA |