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Q: Top 10 Universities in Former Soviet Union/NIS EXCLUDING RUSSIA ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   0 Comments )
Subject: Top 10 Universities in Former Soviet Union/NIS EXCLUDING RUSSIA
Category: Reference, Education and News > Education
Asked by: chrisdelz-ga
List Price: $15.00
Posted: 11 Aug 2003 10:20 PDT
Expires: 10 Sep 2003 10:20 PDT
Question ID: 242553
I would like to know the top 10 Universities in the Former Soviet
Union/NIS, EXCLUDING those in Russia.
If I must be more specific, it would be those who are best in
International Relations.  I would also like their web address.

Request for Question Clarification by rainbow-ga on 11 Aug 2003 15:43 PDT
Hi chrisdelz,
After a preliminary research, it's difficult to say which universities
in the former Soviet Union are the *best*. If you would like, I can
give you which universities include International Relations in their
Let me know what you decide.

Clarification of Question by chrisdelz-ga on 12 Aug 2003 07:42 PDT
Hi rainbow-ga,

Yes I would accept that.   Any type of information relating to quality
of school would also be a plus.


Subject: Re: Top 10 Universities in Former Soviet Union/NIS EXCLUDING RUSSIA
Answered By: rainbow-ga on 16 Aug 2003 02:41 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hi chrisdelz,

The following is the result of my research for universities in the NIS
countries, excluding Russia, which feature International Relations in
their program.
As I mentioned in my clarification, it's difficult to say which are
the best universities, so I have listed all those which include
International Relations in their program. Included in the list are the
universities' websites and a small introduction for each.


Western University

“The faculty of Political Sciences has been functioning since the
creation of the Western University. The Master's program in Political
Sciences provides a highest level of education in the sphere of
studying political processes and preparing high-class experts in the
sphere of politics. The purpose of the Program is studying political
science in accordance with up-to-date advanced international norms and
standards. It also provides an analysis of the politics of
contemporary world.”



Belarus State Economics University

“The graduates of the School of IER possess special knowledge and
expertise in the field of international economic relations and methods
of managing foreign economic activities. They are fluent in at least
two foreign languages, which makes them desired candidates for
openings in all spheres of international relations, economic
activities and state management. They put into practice the world
experience in management, carry out activities in the field of
organization, management, planning, accounting, finance, research, and
teaching. The School's graduates are employed in the Belarus embassies
abroad, National Bank, practically all the ministries and high-level
state bodies, foreign exchange and finance departments of banks and
finance corporations...”


Belarus State University

“In the period following the socio-political transformations of the
early 1990’s, the Belarusian State University was able to successfully
develop its potential under new circumstances.  Presently, the
University provides instruction via 14 faculties and offers 34 fields
of study.  Moreover, the University trains specialists through its
Masters and Doctoral programmes.  The University began instructing
students in such majors as International Relations, International Law,
International Tourism, Informatics and Communication...”


Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

“Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (YKSUG) was founded as the
State Teacher Training Institute. It became the present State
University in 1978. Now YKSUG is one of the largest educational,
scientific, and cultural centres of the Western part of the Republic
of Belarus.”


European Humanities University

“...The French-Belarusian Department for Political and Administrative
offers training and degrees equivalent to those of French institutes
for political science and law and political science schools. The
graduates receive both Belarusian and French state diplomas of higher
education. The Department trains specialists in such fields as
international relations, state administration, management of state and
private Belarusian, foreign and joint enterprises.”



International University

“The four-year baccalaureate program is designed to provide students
with a well-balanced interdisciplinary academic education focusing on
European politics and international relations. The continued
integration of the Baltic States into a contemporary globalized world
demands more people with an academic preparation in the field of
politics. The potential for in-depth policy analysis that comes from
studying the political, judicial, economic, cultural and historical
influences that shape the present-day world is an extremely invaluable
asset. The BA program aims to provide students with the necessary
knowledge and skills to take advantage of an increasing range of
professional opportunities, which have a European or an international


University of Tartu

“Political science is taught at the University of Tartu since 1992,
when the Faculty of Social Sciences was established by Rein Taagepera.
There are programmes for bachelor's, master's and PhD studies. There
is a special programme for political sceince in minor. In 2001, 15 new
BA students, 7 MA students and 3 PhD students started their studies in
state-funded programme.”



“The curriculum has been designed so that the international relations
specialty's goal, is achieved which is the thorough preparation of
experts. The usual length of time taken to complete studies is three
academic years.”



Tbilisi  State University

“Students of the international relations specialty study the theory
and practice of the political and economic relations of countries,
foreign policy issues, aspects of international relations, and world
economic relations.
The department has contacts with William College, Emory University,
Atlanta, USA, the University of Wartwick, England, and the London
School of Economic and Political Sciences, and other foreign
educational institutions and offices. Students are exchanged with
foreign higher educational institutions (the USA, Germany, and so


Kutaisi Akaki Tsereteli State University

“Kutaisi Akaki Tsereteli State University has enjoyed academic
excellence for years. We have built upon our traditions to become a
modern forward-looking institution. Our academic structure is flexible
and responsive to students needs and requirements.
We have a team of well-qualified and experienced academic and support
staff. Our courses are modern and challenging.”


Tbilisi I.Chavchavadze State University of Language and Culture

“Departments added: 
Interpreters/translaters, International Relations, International
Journalism, International Economics.
Immediate goals of restructuring
Introducing an international two-staged (4+2) higher education, as the
needed form to provide both, students and the state, with the proper
professional skills and legal rights for the jobs and activities in
conditions of the market economy.”



Kainar University

“Our mission is the preparation of high-qualified specialists for
national and foreign activities. Kainar University prepares
professionals in accordance with advanced educational methods and
world standards. It has optimal conditions to grasp the whole complex
of educational subjects and master professional skills. The high level
of tuition and the profound knowledge of students attract society's
attention to the university as to a prestigious educational


Al-Farabi Kazakh State National University

“The International Relations department is one of the youngest
departments of al-Farabi Kazakh State National University - the odest
HEI in Kazakhstan. Its opening was supported by the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, however the learning and teaching
basis, the specially trained staff have been preparing since 1991.
In 1991 within the History department there was opened a new
qualification - "international relations", within the Law department -
a qualification "international law" with the annual enrollment number
of 25 students. In April 1995 an autonomous department was established
on the basis of these two divisions. In 1998 the "Tax Law"
qualification was introduced. At the present there are more than 70
instructors and studying more than 700 students.”



“The mission of the Department of Political Science and Public
Administration is to train bachelor and master students in the social
sciences in order to create a pool of highly qualified young people
with modern education to serve the interests of Kazakhstan both
nationally and internationally. The Department of Political Science
and Public Administration further prepares specialists for a wide
variety of careers in both public and private sectors and provides
students with the ability to create an intellectual climate in
Kazakhstan to help build a civil society and create a liberal free
market economy.”



Bishkek Humanities University

“The main tasks of Bishkek Humanities University are the following: to
develop intellectual and moral growth for the training of skilled
specialists in European and Oriental Languages; to organize
fundamental and applied research; to disseminate knowledge in the
Humanities, and to render assistance in the development of
international contacts.”


Naryn State University

“The Naryn State University since its formation has been attaching
great importance to the establishment of cooperation between high
Educational Institutions and International Organizations.
Currently, the department of international relations of Naryn State
University is conducting active contacts and negotiations with HEI of
near and far foreign countries, with international organizations by
working out and signing agreements on cooperation, working out mutual
projects of different priority with long-term programs of cooperation
both on University level and on any Faculties level.”


American University - Central Asia

“AUCA is an American-style liberal arts university that offers high
quality academic programs to qualified students from all over the
world. It is the first and only higher education institution in
Central Asia that functions according to the American model, with a
credit-hour system, an American-style curriculum, and a commitment to
democratic values, to freedom of expression and inquiry, and to
academic integrity and honesty. The mission of the university is to
promote civil society in this part of the world, to train a new
generation of leadership for Central Asia and the CIS, and to
introduce new pedagogical methods to Kyrgyzstan.”



Daugavpils University

“Department of International Affairs at Daugavpils University was
established in 1993 in accordance with DPU Senate. It is an
independent unit at DU that manages international affairs. The aim of
DIA is ensuring international co-operation of the university with
foreign institutions in the field of education, science and culture.
The main function of DIA is planning and co-ordination of
international activities of the university: informing and advising of
students and teaching staff about study abroad possibilities,
different scholarships, programs, foundations, grants, co-ordination
of student and teaching staff exchange in the framework of bilateral
university agreements, ensuring enrolment of foreign specialists and
students at the university, financial advising.”


University of Latvia

“The University of Latvia has a long tradition of international
cooperation. The internationalization processes take place in the
following areas:
bilateral cooperation agreements (with 47 universities in 21
membership in the international university organizations and networks;
participation in international educational and research programmes and
exchanges of students and teachers; 
international cooperation on the faculty, institute, department and
individual levels.”


Vilnius University 
Institute of International Relations and Political Science (IIRPS)

“The Institute of International Relations and Political Science
(IIRPS) of Vilnius University was established on 7 February 1992 by
the agreement between Vilnius University and the Supreme Committee for
the Liberation of Lithuania. Having started its activities with a
two-year programme in International Relations, the IIRPS at present is
a faculty-status holding academic unit of Vilnius University, in which
studies in political science are carried out on all three levels and
scientific research is conducted.
The Institute is a prestigious Lithuanian institution of higher
education which graduates specialists in political science and
international relations. The alumni of the Institute work as
diplomats, civil servants, political commentators and journalists,
they also teach at universities.”



Free International University of Moldova

“ULIM is a self-financed and self-governing organization. 
Today, ULIM comprises 6 Departments: Law Department, Foreign Languages
Department, Economics Department, Medicine Department, History and
International Relations Department, European Studies; there are 56
general and specialized university chairs; other necessary services,
Who can study at ULIM? Anyone who is able to assimilate the study
programme and who wishes to become an international specialist. There
are no restrictions. All our efforts and intentions are focused on the
preparation of the high level specialists.”


Institute of Political Science and International Relations

“I.P.S.I.R. is a private institution of higher education that operates
as a "non-profit" organization.
I.P.S.I.R. enjoys a specific juridical status, possesses financial
independence and has freedom to promote its own policy aimed, on the
whole, at the revival of a quality academic education in Republic of



Technological University of Tajikistan

“The Technological University of Tajikistan is the only University of
the Republic of Tajikistan, which prepares specialists on 8 directions
and 25 specializationin different areas of food and light industry as
well specialists in the field of marketing, international relations
and information and communication technologies.”



Institute of International Relations

“The Department of International Relations trains International
Relations specialists according to the following Master Programs:
International Strategies and Security;
International Organizations and Diplomatic Service; 
International Relations of Countries (Regions); 
European Policy.
At the Department, students gain fundamental training in History,
Theory and Practice of International Relations, Foreign Policy and
Diplomacy with a sufficient training in Economics and Law.”


Karazin Kharkiv National University

“V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University is among the oldest and most
widely recognized universities of Eastern Europe. Founded in 1804 on
the initiative of the prominent educator V.N. Karazin, for almost 200
years it has embodied the human strife for the light of knowledge and
the peaks of science.
The foundation of the University which inherited the best traditions
of enlightment from the celebrated Kharkiv Collegium was a turning
point in the development of Slobidska Ukraine, gradually transforming
it into a leading region in the sphere of research and education.”


Ivan Franko National University of L'viv

“The faculty of international relations is one of the youngest
faculties at Lviv University. It was founded in 1992 on the initiative
of Rector of Lviv National University, Lviv Regional and City State
Administrations, a number of deputies of Ukraine, with the support of
the Comission of Foreign Affairs of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine,
Ministry of Foreign Afairs, Institute of International Relations of
the Taras Shevchenko National University.”


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

“According to the results of the expert opinion poll carried out by
the International Cadre Academy accredited at the European Center for
Higher Education and Council of Europe 1998, Taras Shevchenko National
University of Kyiv is the best higher institution in Ukraine.
Kyiv University has become Alma Mater for many students,
post-graduates, doctoral students and trainees from European, Asian,
African and American countries. About 20 thousand students study at 4
Institutes, 16 Faculties and one Department. Almost 2 thousand
lecturers train the students, share their knowledge and experience.”


Odessa National Polytechnic University

“The leader of Higher Educational System in the South Ukraine, ONPU is
a modern, technological university with about 13,000 full- and
part-time students that including about 1,200 graduate and
postgraduate foreign students. It is the first centre of higher
technical education in the region, which gave rise to many institutes
in the city of Odessa in 2000 its Preparatory faculty for foreign
students pre-university training will celebrate its 25th anniversary.”


International Christian University

“ICU-Kyiv is a non-state institution of higher education that provides
a unique opportunity to get a Western business education in Ukraine.
ICU-Kyiv's curriculum combines professional education and liberal



University of World Economy and Diplomacy

“The faculty "The International Relations" was created in 1993. The
faculty prepares the experts in area of:
the expert analysis both forecasting of the political and
administrative decisions;
development of political strategy; 
the analysis of the international political situation and formation of
the appropriate image of Republic of Uzbekistan on world arena;
study of the political, social and cultural factors of foreign trade
activities of our republic.”


Search criteria:
Former Soviet Union universities “international relations”
NIS universities “international relations”
site:.‘country’ university “international relations”

I hope the information provided is helpful. If you have any questions
regarding my answer please don’t hesitate to ask before rating it.
Best regards,
chrisdelz-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars
thanks, nice work!

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