Thanks for your inquiry. I was able to find quite a bit of information about
the changes in patent expiration dates, and so will give a quick summary
followed by a more detailed look at references.
Because of recent changes in the law, an existing patent can fall in one of
three categories in terms of its expiration date. If the patent application
was filed after June 7, 1995, the expiration date is 20 years from the date it
was filed. If the application was filed by June 7, 1995 and issued before June
8, 1978, the expiration date is 17 years from issuance. The best-of-both-
worlds clause comes into effect if the application was filed by June 7, 1995
and issued after June 7, 1978, in which case the term is the later of 17 years
from issuance or 20 years from filing. These terms are accurate for both
Utility and Plant Patents, Design Patents expire 14 years from the date of
This information was found at:
(URL courtesy of Drmatts Comment).
How the filing date is determined depends on whether the application is for a
provisional or non-provisional patent. For a provisional patent application:
The filing date of a provisional application is the date on which a written
description of the invention, drawings if necessary, and the name of the
inventor(s) are received in the USPTO. To be complete, a provisional
application must also include the filing fee, and a cover sheet specifying that
the application is a provisional application for patent. The applicant would
then have up to 12 months to file a non-provisional application for patent as
described above.
and for a non-provisional patent application:
The filing date of an application for patent is the date on which a
specification (including at least one claim) and any drawings necessary to
understand the subject matter sought to be patented are received in the USPTO;
or the date on which the last part completing the application is received in
the case of a previously incomplete or defective application.
For more information about the change in patent terms, see:
Information about extending or adjusting the expiration date of a patent can be
found at:
In addition, Micropatent provides information on patent terms that agrees with
the above information and includes references to the appropriate sections of
the law.
Patents will Expire as Follows:
(1) The term of any utility or plant patent that is in force on or results from
an application filed before June 8, 1995 is the greater of the 20 year term
provided in 35 U.S.C. 154(a)(2) or 17 years from grant subject to any terminal
disclaimers. 35 U.S.C. 154(c)(1).
(2) All utility and plant patents granted on applications having an actual
United States filing date on or after June 8, 1995 are granted for a term which
begins on the date on which the patent is granted and ends 20 years from the
date on which the application was filed in the United States. If the
application contains a specific reference to an earlier application under 35
U.S.C. 120, 121 or 365(c), the patent term ends twenty years from that date on
which the earliest application was filed. 35 U.S.C. 154(a)(2).
(3) All design patents are granted for a term of 14 years from the date of the
grant. However, the term of any patent may have been curtailed by disclaimer
under the provisions of 35 U.S.C. 153, have lapsed due to failure to pay
maintenance fees, or have been extended under the provisions of 35 U.S.C. 154,
155, or 156. Thus, if more reliable information is needed with respect to a
particular patent, then the specific patent file should be reviewed to
determine the actual date of patent expiration.
A copy of the Patent Act (35 U.S.C.) referred to in the above quote can be
found on the website of the United States Patent and Trademark Office at:
Listed below are the applicable sections of both relevant Codes:
From United States Code Title 35 Patents
35 U.S.C. 120
35 U.S.C. 121
35 U.S.C. 135(a)
35 U.S.C. 154(a)(2) 20 year term definition
35 U.S.C. 154(b) extending/adjusting a patent expiration date
35 U.S.C. 154(b)(1)(A)
35 U.S.C. 154(b)(1)(B)
35 U.S.C. 154(b)(2)(C)
35 U.S.C. 181
35 U.S.C. 365(c)
From Title 37 Code of Federal Regulations Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights
37 CFR 1.701
37 CFR 1.702 1.705
37 CFR 1.702(a)-(e) and 1.703(a)-(e)
37 CFR 1.705
Some reference URLs:
The United States Patent and Trademark Office
General Information Concerning Patents from the USPTO
Lectric Law Library
Freeadvice.com, general patent information
Search terms used:
patent expiration "17 years" "20 years"
1994 amend OR amendment patent law GATT
u.s. patent office
Cindy |
Clarification of Answer by
22 Apr 2002 09:38 PDT
Thanks for the feedback.
Actually, I think 1978 would be the correct year. If the patent was filed
before June 7, 1995 and issued before June 8, 1978 then it would have expired
by the time the new law took effect, and so would not be included in the
retroactive term increase. Perhaps it would be simpler to say that all active
patents at the time of the new law were included in the 20 years from
application OR 17 years from issuance whereas all subsequent patents were
given a term of 20 years from date of application.
Let me know if you have any other questions, or if you still think Im reading
this incorrectly.