I've located a quote from one of America's top executives, IBM
Chairman Louis Gerstner Jr, that includes this exact athlete/actor
It's in an intervew that Gerstner did last year with BusinessWeek:
"Q: [BusinessWeek:] Your $127 million compensation package in 2001,
along with that of a few other highly paid CEOs, has been criticized
as outrageously generous. Do we need a change in CEO compensation?
A: [Gerstner:] Compensation needs to be predominately
performance-driven. If CEO compensation was performance-driven, which
I believe it was in IBM's case, nobody would ever argue. If the
shareholders didn't make billions and billions of dollars, I wouldn't
make millions of dollars. My salary was the same for 10 years. It was
all performance-based.
What is the most outrageous is the compensation that has gone to
people who have been fired, forced out, whose companies didn't perform
well. The American people have no problem paying great athletes and
great actors lots of money if they're the best and if they perform
well. I hope we're going to see a much tougher set of standards by
directors that get compensation tied specifically to corporate
source: BusinessWeek. Nov 18, 2002.
"Lou Gerstner Takes the Gloves Off"
search terms:
"ceo compensation", salary, athletes, pay, paying
I hope this helps. |